UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I do think it’s interesting that Michigan is one of the few schools that asks if a grandparent went there…my DS is a 3rd generation legacy, (his grandma went to Michigan) so I’m hoping that “counts” at least a little!


Agreed. It’s now the 3rd year of craziness. 2019s were probably dealt the harshest real life plans, as they lost the end of their senior year of HS and most/all of a real freshman year of college. But man did they get off waitlists, lol. S21 has a ton of friends in the year ahead of him who moved colleges as just about every school began clearing waitlists that spring as so many kids deferred to a gap year and internationals cancelled because they couldn’t get here.

I suspect this year’s wailtists will move more than historically average. If I were a school like UM, I’d actually push towards that. It’s much easier to manage a waitlist- where you can demand an answer immediately- than the current s-show schools face.

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Agree, the tour was very well done and coordinated. Amir was one of many highlights. Loved how he described the layout of the dorm rooms!

He did not allude to any specific date unfortunately. But he did say all decisions will be released at the same time. I am not getting my hopes up for this Friday and if I had to place a bet, April 1st would be my bet. And since all will be release at same time, I would expect to see a portal change in advance of the release.


It’s hard to put something you dreamed of for so long on the back burner but your other options are as equally amazing as Michigan. You should be proud of your accomplishments. Fingers crossed for 2 great visits.

Love that I saw you called SU admissions and got some answers there, too! Nice work. :smiley:

Villanova asked about aunts/uncles/cousins. That was a surprise. We have 2 cousins there now and my son got in EA, so maybe it means something. Then again a younger sibling of one of them was deferred ED, so who knows.
We have a double grandparent legacy and current sib at Michigan, and come from an in-state feeder school - and yet we wait . . .

We would be over the moon if my son was offered a winter term acceptance or even a full year deferral, but I wasn’t sure if it was smart to convey that to them. He already has 84 credits and would be junior standing at most in-state schools he was accepted to, so a term off for an intership would be great, and no worry about housing since we’re a few miles away. But I’ve never heard of them offering stuff like that unless it’s a special situation.

Wow thank you so much! Half have gone out… eek, but okay :). I’m gonna miss you guys heh.

Yes, we have a current sib there too…and wait and wait and wait.:slight_smile:

Yes, each school is different. Some of my kids friends have gotten these type of conditional acceptances at other schools. Most are thrilled. I have family members who ended up in this situation 4 years ago and will graduate in May/June.

Have no idea as I said if UM does any of these. Many large schools do. Northeastern, BU, NYU, USC are some that I know of. Don’t know of any publics.

“Back in the day” they used to offer a summer term start, but I don’t think that’s a thing anymore…


I think it was Columbia that asked also. I had to get info from a family member on the year and degree.

50% of the 16,000 acceptances during EA has been typical, but then there’s also been that “small release” on 2/25.

It seems a little unusual that there was not one OOS acceptance reported here on CC, since traditionally, CC’s Michigan forum has been frequented more by OOS’ers than in-staters.

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I am an anxious mom who can’t sleep without decisions from my daughter’s first and second choices. She has other great options also but the suspense is killing me…


I spoke to a college consultant who has an OOS client who was accepted in that small release.

I’m right there with you @Silver77.


Me too… Anxiety keeps me up at night.

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Make it 3. I hope I’m not projecting my anxiety on my son. These kids have enough pressure.


So did UNC. We have some southern family in the Charlotte area, so D has a cousin and aunt that attended. She was accepted (surprisingly) OOS, but we never gave too much thought as to whether extended family has anything to do with it! Her aunt is an active alum, though I imagine not moreso than thousands others.

When we bagan this process, our GC did note that only a few schools considered grandparents as legacy, with UM being one. Though seemingly with such a massive network, UM legacy is probably only a smidge relevant in the process.