UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I’d like to fast forward to April 1, though part of me doesn’t want to miss that euphoric family feeling when they receive good news.


Yeah I’m careful to bring up college talk with him maybe once or twice a week, and very nonchalant and brief. Any other talk is about plans regarding the schools he did get into (and one of which we put a housing deposit for!) and communication/visit plans with them. I don’t think I could rattle him even if I tried though :).

consider yourself lucky that she has other great options.

If they receive good news…

Is this legacy info taken just from the parents education information in the common app? I don’t recall seeing another place to indicate a legacy anywhere else

wow! unbelievable!!!

My DD22 and got OOS acceptance early to LSA and Ross.


or sorry, did u just mean that small release? if so, my mistake!

So of the remaining half, half will be EA postponed? So 75% from the EA pool? I feel silly even being on this thread at this point :confounded:.

Early April meaning this Friday would be great lol. We can all hope right :slight_smile:

My daughter has her heart set on one school so the other options are meaningless. I know she will end up where she is supposed to be and things work out in the end but I would love for her to experience the thrill of getting into her first choice school. I remember the day my older daughter got into UM and she was so excited. Slept in her UM sweatshirt for a week!


Does anyone know if there’s data about the caliber of EA vs. RD applicants to UMIch? I could hypothesize about differences (e.g. holdouts to RD were waiting for upward trend in senior grades…) but I’m sure I could also hypothesize in the other direction too.

A lot of ED schools take most of their class from the ED pool. The UM guy I spoke to suggested that they only released half of their intended acceptances so everyone who has an application pending has a good chance still. It’s not like they filled most of their spots. That was my takeaway.

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I don’t have data but if I was an admission officer concerned about yield, I would assume that an application that was submitted after the EA date doesn’t have UM high on their list. Although I am sure there are RD applicants who did not get their ED choice.

I’m right with you but for my D, it’s UM or we don’t know. She does have great options (including Harvard, GT, and Pitt) but she’s not thrilled with any of those. She regrets not applying to CM because she thought she will get into UM EA.


I can tell you that I spoke to GC at DD22s HS to see if we could expect rejections from all of her remaining schools based on posteonment and possible rejection from U of M. Private but not feeder IS. She told me to hold steady and that based on stats alone, the 2 accepted to U of M at this HS were soundly below DD and others postponed. Having said that, my DD is not so high that I think she’d be someone they would yield protect (assuming that’s even a thing). My takeaway was a. She thought DD would ultimately be admitted, and b. Whatever they are looking for in EA admits she & the other GCs at this school can’t figure it out.

Ok cool, thanks!

UVA just announced they are posting decisions Friday night.

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OR the EA applicants have the higher stats and are therefore less likely to attend, whereas an RD who might be on the lower end would likely accept. But that’s just yield mind-reading :).

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We’ve become so jaded that we’ve immediately jumped to the conclusion that UM AOs are reading for yield potential more than student caliber. I can see why we’re doing it: the assumption that large swaths of applicants are all above the “bar” for admission so now they are just managing yield within that pool. My original question was regarding data (GPA, etc.) but I’m not surprised we landed on yield so quickly. I’m as guilty as anyone, so not judging at all. I think it’s a sign of our stress on behalf of our postponed kids.