UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

what were the other schools your daughter is looking at for sports analytics? My son was initially going the same route, but decided Syracuse (not interested in upstate NY) or Rice (didn’t want to follow his moms footsteps) were his jam. Are there other schools that offer the program?

To be honest I was very concerned. My opinion is college should be a time of great debate and let kids figure out what they believe and express their opinions freely, but far too often it’s indoctrination gone wild.


Texting quickly between patients. Some of us work you know :rofl:


Well, I thought it’s very easy for you Chicagoans to confuse a buffalo and a ram. :ram: :water_buffalo:

She applied to sport management programs at UF and UNC (in addition to Michigan and Syracuse). Four schools weren’t enough to apply to so she also applied to Maryland, Wisconsin and Pitt for data analytics which would be useful if she went to grad school for sport analytics. And she applied to one business school (Binghamton) because sport analytics has business class overlap. There aren’t a lot of choices for sport analytics.

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Richmond over Iowa… Yikes…

Hate working during March Madness.

So as a whole Michigan tends to lean left. But there will be great discussions on the Diag etc on just about any topics. There are many many different opinions as there should be on campus. Great national lectures on just about any topic you can imagine. College to me is to learn and expand your mind /thoughts and learn different perspectives. You will be amazed how much your kids grow in many facets m


Yesterday I was told a single release also but they would not give me a date. Happy to hear that they narrowed it down to the first week of April. Only two weeks away!

That was from Feb. 8th though, so obviously wrong in hindsight!

That was my post on Feb 8. I’d say on the whole it has been true. We have seen some one off posts here and there about random acceptances but no waves as we have seen in the past. I also had a call to them last week (waited a month) and amazingly got the same woman in admissions who said they’re shooting for this month now, not first week of April. I believe her words were “trying very hard” to get decisions out this month. She also reiterated this year would be single release for RD and no waves, so I don’t think admissions considers the one offs as waves. This doesnt count the specialty schools / programs of course.


Are there any updates about nursing decisions? Thanks!

Oh, ok. I don’t know much about the precedent of these waves since this is our first college app cycle, so I guess these were smaller than normal. I totally feel from the great info you recently procured for us that we’re looking for a big dump on the 25th at the earliest. I’ll check once tomorrow afternoon for my son, as it’s robotics time for him, but won’t expect anything til next week.

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Good for your twins.

Thanks for the info and good luck to your daughter! Data and sports analytics are both growing and in demand fields so hoping that our kids are going to have lots of career options no matter where they go to college.

There have been no nursing decisions reported here on CC (that I’m aware of) since the 1/28 EA release. We’ll have to wait like everyone else, it seems! Good luck :four_leaf_clover: to you.

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Good luck to your son! Where else did he apply and for what other majors?

So question for you all- my S was postponed from EA. He sent in LOCI, we toured this summer, and UoM is a top choice for him (OOS COE applicant). I am afraid he has not conveyed his true interest as he hasn’t called or contacted AO at all. I know they are busy and we don’t really have any questions or things to add to his application. Is he at a disadvantage for so little/ no contact with his AO? His GC is useless in this process. Is there anything he should be doing at this late date which would make a difference? He was contacted for a Hail interview/ given the name of the alumnus who would be conducting the interview but then was never contacted by her to schedule a time to meet.

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Thank you! You too :slight_smile:

I hear you. My son just got accepted at Notre Dame and will be withdrawing all other applications. He got a scholarship that would’ve paid for either school. The wait and the way postponed EA was handled by UMich was a bit cruel for our taste. A date would suffice but also deserved an earlier release on decision for EA applicants. It defeated the purpose of “Early”. Good luck everyone!


Congratulations and best wishes to your son! ND is a great school.

Very thoughtful and gracious of him to withdraw his other apps!