UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I suppose this is not the applicant’s portal account right? That is available …

I haven’t been able to use a UMich email at all. When I go to the canvas link and log in the website just refreshes and shows the same page.

Login to the application portal to create a Friend account. Don’t be frustrated… I was stuck for a while too.

Once you have an account, go to Wolverine access page and click on “New and Prospective Student Business”. Login using your Friend account.

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I finally got in but I see the same information as everyone else is reporting. This must be basic info for every applicant that stores their application information.


Glad it worked for you. Yeah, I think everyone is seeing the same info right now it’s hard to differentiate whether or not things mean anything at this moment. Really all we can do is wait it out which stinks…

Yes. Thank you. Canvas keeps refreshing for me too.

Chance me?

Applied CS
1470 SAT
3.97 UW
Top 8% of class
Strong course rigor

Might just be my wifi but my portal was rlly glitchy

College of LSA is probably a bit easier than Engg. Chancing someone on an absolute basis is very difficult for anyone to do. College of LSA where you apply for something other than CS, and have a credible application to backup that something other.

Absolutely not true. All you would have to do is just review EA threads from prior years. My high stat D18 was accepted EA and declined 3 schools ranked higher by USNWR.

And if you’ve seen the stats listed here, which I’ve tallied in past years, the stats of applicants decrease slighly with each successive RD release.

They’re trying to build a diverse class from both in-state and OOS applicants with about 52% of the class being in-state.


At our OOS high school, UMich is strongly believed to engage in yield management. They just don’t want to be a safety. They often defer kids that get into places like Harvard and Yale. UMich doesn’t reject outright. The perception is that if you go back and ask them nicely, and have the counsellor write convincingly that you really mean to join them, they eventually relent and let you in.


First, Michigan isn’t the only school that practices yield management. Second, one school isn’t a statistically valid sample size. And third, nearly every year, they break a record with the # of applications. Last year, 80,000 applied, a new record. I’m afraid they just don’t want an entire class of 4.0’s/1,600’s or in that range. And they have to defer the overwhelming majority of EA apps.

As I said, just go through EA threads from prior years. I tallied the stats from this site and the median stats decrease with each release, from EA to RD1, RD2 and RD3.

Also, my sample of 1, D18, was accepted EA with high stats and doing very well. For one reason or another, they picked her.

What we can’t see are the essays, which are important, but rarely does anyone mention that as an issue.



It’s awesome that your daughter is doing exceptionally well. I wish her the best.

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The delay that we are all suffering from and complaining about is the ultimate yield management play. They moved the EA window to end of Jan from December because they were getting bullied by the Ivy league dates. Layer that in with a lot of deferrals so that they can figure out who is really interested and hungry for the spot and you have a nice cocktail for more kids who accept the acceptance.

Does UMich only focus on the specific college students apply to (like LSA or CofE) or do they look at their intended majors and interests & factor that into their acceptance? For example, a student who wants to major in CS and another who wants to major in Asian Studies, but both applicants are applying to LSA? Does anyone even truly know?

So before you read this I would like to say there is zero evidence to support my claim but… I really have this feeling that decisions are coming out today. I have no idea why but I just have a feeling. It’s mostly wishful, desperate thinking but who knows😂


Any chance you would be willing to share the stats you’ve tallied over the past few years? Just curious :slight_smile:

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+1 for that request @sushiritto

Thank you in advance.

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If you search his name you will find them. He’s the Stat man… Lol

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That is very interesting you ask this. Is Asian studies an unpopular major at UMich?