UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Since there is little to add… Tufts and Georgia Tech have two of the best admissions blogs out there.


It’s a record for sure, but not that much higher than last year’s 80,000 at least. I think they said there was like 55k EA applicants? That’s a lot of RD’s and deferrals to sift through… no wonder we’re waiting so long heh.

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Yes, an increase from 79,743 applications last year to 83,029 this year. That’s still a lot more essays to move through. The delay is understandable.

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is this friday more likely than the 31st?

Can someone point me to the official communication from Michigan about the number of apps this cycle 2022-2023?

I have not seen it. All I’ve heard is people have heard from other people.

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I think Friday is the most likely day decisions will be released, so since the 31st is a Thursday, I’d say 3/25 is more likely than 3/31.

BTW, the 83,029 appears to come from this link, which is not an official communication from the university and it’s for last cycle.

Someone posted about an unofficial number of 90,000+ apps several pages ago.

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Funny, I just happened to notice that article too when I was googling for some in-state numbers. Really confusing, even if you include transfers the numbers are off.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I withdrew my acceptance. I will be attending Grand Valley on a full ride. Figured I should let someone else have my spot sooner rather than later.


The rounded number of 83,000 total applicants this year-53,000 early was told to an applicant by an AO at campus days/admitted students events.

The number from last year came direct from UM’s admission website.


Yes the CDS for 2021-2022 has been out for months. So the 79,xxx is correct for last year. No one knows the number of apps for this cycle.

And posters keep getting varying numbers from AO’s, admitted students days, etc. and posting what they heard.

So, until an official press release or the CDS for 2022-2023 is released it’s all just conjecture.

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Of course as always you hear numbers from AO’s at campus days or to high school counselors first. Sometimes they are exactly right and are later official on CDS and other times someone misstates. Many times they are accurate though when right from an AO. We will see.

Congratulations, that’s wonderful! I wish you all the best!! :tada:

I’ve not known that to happen (“exactly right”) here on CC. Personally I’ll wait for Mich admissions to publish the news. But if 83,000 is correct then I’ll come back here and apologize like I always do. :grinning:

83,000 was the rounded number so of course CDS will be exact.

If the CC boards only had official UM communication they’d be pretty boring, so I’ll take a verbal quote from an AO until things get official.

yup ! went to Ross admitted student event this Saturday and they said 83,000 applicants!!!:scream:

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ah oops I meant the 1st!

I don’t know, @UMich23Mom has been right about a lot of info this cycle. :laughing:

I realize the futility of the question I am about to pose, but someone please throw me a bone:) Has there been any confirmation that decisions for postponed students will be out before April 1st? The reason I ask is because I saw an earlier post about decisions on March 25 vs March 31, so this got me wondering if someone had heard it was confirmed to come out before the end of March?

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