UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I was that poster and was replying to a specific question from another poster. I think there have been posts which indicate that they’re going to “try” to release decisions before the end of the month, but nothing official/confirmed.

Of course, the official word from Michigan is that decisions will be released “by early April” which means that there is no guarantee they’ll be out by April 1 either.

Gotcha, thank you so much for the swift reply :grinning:

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I would think it is in UM’s interest to release decisions prior to Ivy Day 3/31.
Then again, this has been such an unpredictable year, that I am sure I am wrong - lol. I am really not sure what I will read every Friday AFTER UM releases decisions - I feel like I have spent every Friday with you all since Jan. :laughing: Once again, Good Luck to All and May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor


Totally joking, and with love, not criticism:
GO BLUE MICHIGAN stands for Guessing, Okay…But Let Us Estimate: March Is Completing, However It’s Guaranteed April Now.


Congrats and best wishes in your onward journey!

Very thoughtful and gracious of you to withdraw and open up a spot for someone else.


One son declined his LSA acceptance this past Saturday but wanted to gift it to his still postponed from EA twin. Interestingly UM does not have a gifting option button … :thinking: :laughing: Good luck everyone.



“Gifting option” would be helpful :grinning:

HA! My twins were accepted EA but are torn, deciding, waiting on a few more schools. Gift button would be a cool option.

Surprised they told you. Suspect over inflation of stats any way.

Now I’m in Hill auditorium watching my daughter’s band concert. I’ve been on campus too much lately. It’s like they’re dangling this stick and it isn’t helping!


Your son is totally getting accepted and I cannot wait to see you post about it.

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Waiting for nursing decisions has been so hard. I just really wish that I get in!


Saw an instagram post by Wisconsin admissions stating that deferred students would have a decision on or before 3/31/22. Wish we were deferred from Wisconsin rather than Michigan. It would be nice to have a firm date. “By early April” is not very satisfying.


Wishing you an admission! GOOD LUCK!

My daughter is waiting on 7 schools and only 1 has given a date! Anyone else’s kid just over this process and falling in love with one of their accepted schools and writing off the rest? I want her to hold out for UM, but she seems like she’s moved on.


My daughter is still waiting for 4 schools. It is torture. As much for me as it is for her. She is in at U of M but wants to know about her other options as well. She is very much over the process and is now becoming indifferent. :frowning: It is sad to see. Good luck to your daughter! I keep telling mine that it will all work out as it should (not sure what else to say at this point!).


Where did u see this post? I looked. Cant find this for Madison? Thx

Good luck to you too. I think I remember our counselor telling us not to plan anything for February because we would be visiting colleges. Man, were they wrong!

That is so, so kind of you to say and I really appreciate it :).

And man, campus is hopping right now! Beautiful day, everyone is EVERWHERE.

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The Michigan women’s b-ball team is playing right now at Crisler against Villanova.