UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Are you sure? My son graduated from there last year and one of my feeds from the university had posted they released them…maybe I miss read the release date. The other two schools my younger son is applying to and he did receive emails about release dates from them.

I read the date wrong on my social media thread…sorry for the confusion.

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To add… You take non engineering breadth classes also.

Three very random questions while waiting: 1. Is this the most active thread at CC? I have not come across schools with 7000+ comments. 2. Will we reach 10 K by May? 3. Why would it be advantageous for UMICH a to release before Ivy day? (Have seen comments a couple of times about that). With a week in between, does it really matter?


ND released RD last week so that’s off too.

Sorry I see lots of ppl answered this already. My bad!

UMich says early April. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it is after.

UF is an amazing school. I hear the school spirit is comparable to UM. Go to the Gator Fair on April 9th. Looks like fun!

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This is an advantage of going to Michigan for engineering. They want the students to be happy and successful. It’s not like many others schools that your lock in or out of an engineering discipline. That never made much sense to me. It’s not guaranteed that you can switch but definitely more likely. I know of many students that couldn’t explore at the other schools and dropped out since they got their second choices which really weren’t choices at all. They would of been awesome engineers. Many have very hard GPA thresholds also to stay in engineering. So there are advantages at Michigan that aren’t so obvious until you dig deeper.

Save the money… Buy a Michigan sweet 16 t-shirt (you can still be a fan), then target it for Grad school if that’s in the cards. It’s super hard to turn down free then on top of that getting some money maybe to be used for study abroad etc. Just get involved on campus since internships /companies like that and you will be fine. You will do great wherever you end up. Congratulations!


GWU releases this coming Monday per email received today directly from the school

It’s definitely one of the busiest threads. This should tell you all you need to know about the interest people have in Michigan. Also not all threads have an active community attempting to help answer your questions :wink:


Wrong thread?

Yes, most likely.

Most threads are active close to application submission dates and then around decision dates. Since UMich keeps the latter a mystery, people are very active here - inquiring, venting, supporting, or defending :slightly_smiling_face:

Let’s do it!:grinning:


So something to keep in mind is that lots and lots of people are holding on making their final decisions till May 1st. Many accepted students will go elsewhere. Many waiting students for acceptances will never go to Michigan but just want to see where they end up.

The finish line is close and at this point within 2 weeks or so.

Definitely brush up on your other choices now. This is a large hint. So many come on here stating now they don’t know where their going since they don’t have time deciding since they were waiting for this or that acceptance. It just shouldn’t be that hard at this point. Families should be already knowing if this school doesn’t pan out then it’s that other school your going to.

Make sure your kids are excited about their other affordable options now. Make sure their exploring clubs, activities at their other choices. The pivot should be fast and not feel like a lessor option. Getting excited about the other options and visiting Facebook school sites and the like are helpful.

Lots of us have been there, done that…

I know your all sick of hearing it but it works out for a reason. Many kids that didn’t get their first option or dream school are loving where their at once they give themselves a chance to do so.

Can’t wait to hear where everyone ends up.


True about Michigan keeping people waiting, but even a school like UCLA with 150K applications only has around 1500 messages. I guess they also only have 1 release date, so not the weekly/monthly hopefuls logging in. This thread is pretty amazing. I take the over on 10K!

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Any advice for a kid who never had a dream school and who now has a few options they’re excited about? I think they’re feeling a bit overwhelmed at how to choose when there isn’t a clear front runner. We are doing a second visit at one we didn’t see with students on campus so maybe that will bring clarity.

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YouTube videos (dorm tours, day in the life etc). That’s what we did after every acceptance to get excited, and for our kid, it’s pretty much been a progression from safety to matches to reach. Dining hall menus (the reach has the BEST food). Maybe something will catch your kid’s eye to sway in one direction or another…

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I think that’s great for her, but, I feel kind of sad for you after you have invested so much passion in this. I know it’s for the kids but I kind of feel for you too


Visiting yes but you can always get a false impression also. Have your student look at the Facebook groups and the like. My daughter did this and others and quickly was able to find her peeps and this made a big difference.

There is also flipping a coin :joy::coin: