UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Same. My D has lots of great options but Umich is number 1. Tomorrow will mark exactly 6 months since she applied & we are ready to get the decision & start making plans or move on to the second choice. She is handling it way better than me but I know we are all ready to get this done. Yes, I know ‘early April’ but…


Hang in there, girl.

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My Daughter lived on North campus freshman year and chose to be there. North campus is forested and beautiful and felt more like home to her. It isn’t as busy as central campus is which is a draw back for some people, and a benefit for others. :slight_smile:


Except for the people who are accepted into LSA and would still be waiting to hear about Ross–which has an announced release date of 4/15. Not sure how many people that covers. Maybe as many as a few thousand? Of which, most of whom will receive a rejection on 4/15.

Can’t decide whether to hope that my son is one of them or not…

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I can totally see my kid preferring North campus even though he hasn’t seen it yet. When we visited central recently he was pretty interested in the buses and how they operated as he is very accustomed to going to school on the A2 city bus system. I would guess the dorms up there are a nice balance between quiet yet social, much like my old Stockwell days.

Thanks for commiserating :). GA Tech is our other decision on Friday, but it’s a major longshot (I assume your daughter is in? Congrats!!), but at least if nothing heard from UM it would make it 50% closer to being over. I keep psychoanalyzing myself, like why do I care more than my kid?? I really have no skin in this game. I have show-offy friends who I’ve never cared a bit to impress because I see right through that garbage (I’m from NY originally and raised my kids out here to not subject them to that rat race). Following in mom’s footsteps would be cool, but not at all a motivating factor. Must. Get. Out. Of. My. Head. :exploding_head:


Good luck to yours! It was a no for GA Tech for us. Very competitive at her HS so they don’t take many from our county (or so we have heard). It’s a shame too. Only GA school with her degree & she would have gotten Zell. After visiting other campuses, I think Tech fell down a couple notches for her anyway. We have been to Michigan the last two weekends for dance so that is our other wait. So much competition for the team though. She is good but so were the other 39 that tried out for the 3-5 spots available. Very show-offy here too. We are originally from Chicago so it is weird to me but the parents seem to put more weight on the where than the kids. I just want her to be happy & get a good education, wherever that may be. Closer to home would be a plus but I think she is a midwestern girl at heart.

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A lot of my friends’ parents act like where their kids gets in to college is a reflection of them and their parenting, I guess, because they care way more than their kid. I’m grateful my parents are suuuper chill hippy-types who don’t even know what CC is nor would they care. If they stressed out I think it would stress me out more.
Almost there, guys. There WILL be a day when this is all over. That’s for sure.


Aww sorry about GT. I know UM takes a bunch from my son’s HS, but a bunch have already gotten in, sooo… heh. Good luck with dance though!! That is sooo cool. I had a dance audition for a non-music school production once, and it was so intimidating I was like, ok I’m outta here. Really hope she makes it all the way!!

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Exactly how my parents were. UM was my first acceptance after a lot of worrying if I’d get in ANYWHERE after an ED rejection and I applied pretty late. When I called my dad to tell him, he said “Isn’t that a public school? I said no publics,” and hung up. Then he mentions it to some guys at work and they went crazy. Some of their kids transferred to Ivy League schools and had been rejected from Michigan originally. My dad came home from work all “Go Blue!!!” and booked a flight out immediately.

I knew right then and there, I am NOT doing that to my kids.


Don’t think sushiritto mean any harm and was just trying to be helpful to others. I am not a long time member but from the posts I have seen, sushiritto has all good intentions.


I lived in Bursley (not by choice) way back in 1987 and there was virtually no one who chose to be there or were happy with that placement. That’s a lifetime ago, but i would think for most kids that still holds true today. It’s a huge pain for anything social or for central campus classes.

Oh I remember all the warnings very well… “Anywhere but Bursley or Bates!!” I could just see my son being totally ambivalent though :laughing:

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I can’t wait for this be over too. I have never cared about what people think about the school that I went to or my kids. But this is consuming me because I want more than anything for my daughter to experience the thrill and joy of being accepted to and enrolling in her number one choice for college. I know she will survive if she doesn’t get to experience that and she will have an awesome college experience no matter where she goes. But knowing how much she wants to go to Michigan is making this process grueling. In my mind, no more than two weeks of more waiting.


At this point, my D would happily take the worst room in Bursley for an acceptance at U of M! She’d probably live in a tent on the Diag if offered admission …


Bahahha good point!! Totally!

For those that don’t know, while Bursley is old, on the plus side, the dining hall and recreation center were refurbished, so there’s that. :grinning:

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Bursley is “old” now??? Where has the time gone? It was pretty new when i lived there! Next you’re gonna tell me Desmond Howard has graduated already …

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We visited AA for the first two weeks ago. For those of you from New Jersey, UMich North and Central campuses looked to be similar to Rutgers College Ave and Busch/Livingston Campuses. Central is more bustling, social, restaurants/shops, frats/sororities, with a city surrounding the campus, and North is quiet, open space and rural, with a lot of STEM facilities. Both schools’ campuses separated by similar distance with a river, and bus systems transporting students. The major difference is the athletic facilities for UMich are also in Central, whereas Rutgers facilities are on Busch and Livingston. Just my personal preference of course, but I can see how kids would prefer to be in UMich Central campus.


Thank you! That’s very helpful context.

So, with a lot of the STEM facilities being in North, would a CS student (non-athlete) be better off living there vs Central?

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