UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes! Even for an engineer, which i was way back when, half of my freshman year classes were on central campus. You want to avoid North campus if at all possible. It’s a drag on weekends. A journey to football, basketball, intramural games. Just not where you want to be unless you feel overwhelmed being on main campus and need a respite. Maybe there is some logistical logic for upperclassmen engineers as all of their classes (or most) will be on North Campus eventually but even then, not many kids will want to live out there.


Thanks @123Class2023parent. Sounds like Central is the place to be.


As far as I understand it, freshmen can’t choose where they live… right?

That’s correct, unless you’re part of an LLC, Honors or an athlete. You pick a housing accomodation/room preference and Michigan’s Housing Office places you.

As I mentioned up thread, at best it’s a 50/50 chance, likely worse odds, that a freshman will be placed on North Campus.

BTW, when my D applied, Stockwell was a sophomore only dorm, but they changed that within the past year or two. That’s a beautiful dorm on the Hill. Reminds me of Hogwarts.

Back in the “dark ages” (1980s) when I was at Michigan, Stockwell was an all-women dorm…but yes a beautiful building!


When we did our Admitted Student Day tour, they showed us Stockwell and MoJo and we were sold. D18 ended up at West Quad, but we had no complaints.

West Quad is great too. I lived in Alice Lloyd which is now nicknamed “Palace Lloyd” because the rooms are large/nice…my DS23 lived in Markley – and that dorm hasn’t changed since my husband lived there in 1984…apparently, it’s getting torn down but I’ve been hearing that for years…

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Just wondering, if tomorrow is the day or next Friday or “early April” and Daughter is fortunate enough to accepted. What would you think the timeline would be for follow up information on financial aide including any possible merit scholarships

Supposedly, the theory goes that once the construction of new student housing on the South 5th Avenue site is finished, and opens, then Markley will be demo’d and replaced with more medical facilities.


Not necessarily - I am hearing some of the STEM classes are also in Central campus. The engineering school and Stamps art school buildings are in North, so if being close to those facilities is important to you, I can see how some students may want to be in North. Our daughter will likely be attending Stamps but we are hoping she gets invited to a residential college in Central or otherwise get luck with a Central dorm assignment.


Your GE’s, plus math, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. classes are on Central Campus. D18 is an LSA STEM major and minor (not CS) and had ALL her classes on Central.


Good to know. Our D will be in Stamps (most likely, unless something drastic happens to change her mind in the next week or so) - and we are encouraging her to live in Central, if she can.

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STAMPS is on North.

Understood - we still want her to be in Central if she gets the choice. She does too, after seeing both campuses.

Welp, 3pm come and gone. Next Friday is officially early April.

Today is only Thursday.

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Hahaha. I was wondering why no one else was freaking out.


omg you just made me feel a TINY bit more sane this week :laughing:


Lance_Johnson, I sorta love you right now!!! :hugs:


I totally understand how you feel. I am trying to keep in mind that I was rejected from my number one choice way back when, and I can’t tell you how many times I have thanked that school for the rejection since then. I ended up at the perfect school for me - could not have had a better college experience. I have faith that it will all work out for our kids. They have worked hard and it will pay off.