UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My understanding is CSS profile is for merit scholarship (institution based). if you don’t submit you will be ineligible for merit. However it should not impact the outcome of the decision.

CSS is not required for merit scholarships


So we’re on our way to the UM campus tour a couple weeks ago, and my son is looking at his phone and says “Oh I just got an email from MSU,” and I’m like, Oooh Honors College invite?? And he’s still reading it and he says, “Well, that’s kinda rude.” That was odd of him to say because he usually ignores any and every email whether good or bad. So I’m like, what is it?? He said it’s a personal invitation… to the STEM Scholars program. Ooh, what’s that? He says it’s to take Intermediate Algebra over the summer to prepare for the Fall. Ok, so not Honors…

This is what I had read (maybe it is dated):

The CSS Profile , short for the College Scholarship Service Profile, is an online application created and maintained by the United States-based College Board that allows college students to apply for non-federal financial aid. It is primarily designed to give member institutions of the College Board a comprehensive look at the financial and family situation of students and their families to use as they determine their eligibility for institutional financial aid. It is more detailed than the United States federal application, Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA.

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What my twins have learned from this process is that the stress around you is always greater than the stress within. We’ve bowed out a long time ago, will mentor, but it’s their show. They have become very centered, and have moved away from pretense and guile. Que sera, sera. There’s always more to a person than their diploma and the street they live on.


Institutional money to meet need, basically.


I just thought it was a funny story. Like total 180 from an Honors invite, though a great supportive program for those who qualify. I say it in support of the fact that attending the Honors College at MSU is something to be proud of, regardless of other application outcomes.


To me, this means CSS is required for financial aid, not merit scholarship.

I literally never took my diploma out of the bent Fedex envelope it came in. Every once in a while I come across it when looking for something in an old banker’s box, and it’s like, oh yeah, cool, I have this! Annnyyywaaay…

29 schools!!! OMG :flushed: :scream::scream:. Incredible! your kid ( and you) deserve a medal. we post on some of the same boards! good luck :four_leaf_clover: this week!


Y’all, this game is killing my soul.


Right - it’s for financial aid (need based) not for non-need based merit.

We didn’t file a FAFSA or CSS anywhere so at the few schools on my D’s list that offered merit I had her email the school and specifically ask if those docs would be needed. Michigan and the other schools confirmed they aren’t required to qualify for merit aid

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29? Why?

Thank you for sharing this. We didn’t file a FAFSA or CSS anywhere either.

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We have not filled out the CSS yet, but did NOT get the reminder email to do so. Possible bad news for us, but good news for you?!

My mom tells the story (over and over and over again) that if she were accepted to her first choice then I wouldn’t be born (she met my dad there). So it was “the best non-choice” she ever made! Lol I can’t argue with that!


If your student selected “not applying for financial aid” on their application you will not get reminders to complete CSS.

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This is EXACTLY what I tell my kids! They would not exist had it not been for my rejection from my top choice. I told them to write thank you notes! LOL


Michigan States honors program is a great program with many advantages. Do a deep dive and really look at it.


However, we did fill out FAFSA. Some schools require CSS also. My guess now is that is the reason we got the email. So, hang in there!!! We just heard from Boston College today. My daughters first acceptance at what we wrongly classified as a target. So we are breathing a sigh of relief and forgetting about Michigan for now.