UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

We did fill out the FAFSA but said NO to needing financial aid on the application. Hmmmm…

Congratulations!!! BC was one of my top choices when I was in HS and I was waitlisted. Seems so much harder now too. Awesome school! Enjoy the relief :).

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I am aware of how great MSU honors college is and if anything, this process has showed her that the ones that love you, really love you. But I thought U of M was close… MSU is really close. I’m stressed and feeling like she should have applied to 29 schools as well so that at least she would have a choice (and brava to the girl who wrote all of those essays… that is amazing). As it stands right now, she does not have a choice, and that is hard. Cheers to all of these hardworking kids, my husband and I are convinced we never would have gotten into college at all under the current standards. And please, let decisions come out tomorrow and be good news.


thoughts about release tomorrow vs the 1st?


I really believe it is just an automated thing because we completed FAFSA but not CSS. I haven’t seen or heard any evidence that says getting the email is a tell.

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I believe it will release tomorrow because it would be in their best interest to not release it on Ivy day AND last years results came out the 26th


Ivy day is Thursday- not Friday next week

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Well April 1 is a day for some college releases too like Stanford

Consistent w/ this logic, w/ Northwestern releasing tomorrow-U Mich will need to wait until April 8 :slight_smile:

Why does it matter when they release, people who got into ivies are still not bound to anything.


Would someone have reported a portal change if the release was today? I think I remember that was the case for EA back in January.

There’s no way to know.

potentially but i don’t know if anyone has seen a change yet

Any chance decisions come out today? I Haven’t been keeping up with this thread too closely as of late and I don’t feel like reading through thousands of posts lol


There is always a chance, right. What else you gotta do around either 3:00 or 5:00 pm Eastern time. It’s like a ritual at this point.


What?! It’s practically mandatory to be here on this thread every day and make at least 50 posts a month!



Lol so true :joy:

Well my computer is acting up. Has nothing to do with any release just had to be restarted today. :joy:

As I stated before make sure your kids know about their other choices well. At this point I don’t think the release will be all positive. That is why I personally liked the other 3 releases. We knew the first 2 were mostly positive to some extent. It’s late it the game. People wanted Michigan to change and that they did. Be careful what you ask /wish for.

Also… Same for acceptance to Michigan. As I have stated previously it’s a really hard school. Play hard /work hard mentality. It’s no joke. Some of the best student’s I know of struggled. Well, at least at first… But I guess that’s what college is all about also. Challenging yourself and others.

They like many schools have just about every resources to make your kids successful. It’s up to them to utilize them. Use every review /TA class, science /math labs, peer to peer review, meet with the professors (great also for future recommendations), learning centers, writing centers until you can prove you don’t need it anymore. Plus you meet others also there. Some of the best students use these resources!!!

It’s all worth it in the end though. Both my kids didn’t have graduations live. Both were locked away in dorms or apartments. Things are surely better now and going forward. I am thankful for that actually. So excited to hear about your kids positive experiences.

Good Luck if it’s today but actually have no clue. I used to be able to predict a bit… But the sun just came out in Chicago so time for walk /jog or something outside… :walking_man::wink:


However, the FAFSA is useful if you want your kids to qualify for the “low interest” student loans. Also, sometimes they take that ‘need’ down the road and consider those student loans as “need” and will allow you to apply for other scholarships based on “need”.

Great advice. I tell everyone to apply for fafsa. Nothing to lose. Many actually get money that they never thought they would be able to get. Everyone’s situation is different especially if your self employed etc. Don’t assume.

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