UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

So you are saying there’s a chance…:slight_smile:


I didn’t realize that they’ve released on Wednesdays a few times. Possible today?

This trend tells me we are in play today. 3rd Wednesday of the month and if I remove the 15 days by which EA application was extended last year (and when the EA decisions came out) then we are overdue…



@DadOfJerseyGirl @Search2022 The search function on this site is pretty close to useless, but I’ll keep looking for any info as time allows.

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How were people so sure about the release date last year? I remember a lot of “Good luck at 3PM today everyone!” on the morning of the 29th last year

This was posted yesterday by a user on the reddit uofm page.

“I do Hail Interviews for the college of engineering and got an email yesterday stating, “Your applicants will receive their EA decisions in the coming weeks.” Not sure if that’s any more help than the “Late January” on the website.”

(his/her ‘yesterday’ refers to an email received Monday). Anyway, just thought I would share that no additional details on timing are being given to interviewers either, and it truly remains a guessing game for the rest of this month…

If I had any predictive ability, then I’d be betting on the football playoff games this weekend. Go Niners! :smile:


Please look at this list: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - Degrees Conferred by Program of Study - ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ This will be a limited capacity, small major. Hard to chance :-). We don’t need to tell you that. You already know. I suspect because it is small, and yields are low (actually we don’t now that the yields are low for this major), they may want to err on the side of caution to give an admission to all interested applicants. Also, wouldn’t your chances depend on the portfolio you submit rather than ACT scores etc?

Yes! I think that for STAMPS they value portfolio more than other universities, and I would like to think that it’s pretty strong! Thank you for the info!!

Possible but unlikely, all the Wednesday dates were close to X-mas. Probably trying to get it done and allow people to take off for the holidays when they had a process to release in December.
Would be nice to know sooner, but not holding my breath, especially with the larger application numbers…

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Yup, Go Niners!

But on this Michigan stuff, I just wish they would release decisions. I think I am more anxious than my senior!

I will need a new obsession/hobby once this college admissions process is over. Collecting suggestions :slight_smile:


Yes! Please let me know if you come up with some ideas! Collee admissions have definitely occupied a lot of my mental cycles over the last few months!

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As a senior who has been dealing with this college process all year, (hoping these UMich decisions come out asap just like all of you) crocheting has been my relief!! Or maybe random books/novels!!


Thanks @sushiritto, appreciate it. And only if it’s not too much of a time drain.

Ice Bowl #2?

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FWIW, it wasn’t so much that the stat info had all that much meaning, because the CDS contains real #'s for all applicants, but the patterns and/or trends.

For example, no one on this site was accepted with a uwGPA lower than 3.70. Or as mentioned above, there was a decrease in stats, not huge mind you, but a decrease in stats as the progression of RD releases transpired.

Also, RD1 was all acceptances. RD2 and RD3 the %'s of waitlisted and rejections increased, as one might expect. Filed under “Duh,” RD2 had better outcomes than RD3.

I’m trying to remember some of the relevant “data,” but time flies as they say.

Whenever that “final transcript X” happened, 2-3 years ago, the applicants wanted me to keep track of it, but from the first posts of the EA release, the predictive value of that “X” was 99.99%.

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Merit portion is auto consider? Thanks.

Another chance me!
I applied EA @ LSA
First generation, lower middle class female
3.9 gpa UW, we don’t do weighted GPA
Test optional
6 APs and 3 honors courses, took every offered AP/honors course offered at my school so course rigor was high in comparison to my peers.
Strong ECs with leadership positions (a few include class president of 3 years, NHS vp 2 years, NAHS every year and VP this year, chess club president, and yearbook editor) alongside working all four years and volunteering in elections.
Political science major
In-state, rural high school that umich often admits from

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