UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission



Speaking of the CDS - 20/21 (class of 24) went up on 11/20/20, which is the normal posting timing in the past five years, so had been expecting the 21/22 (class of 25) data to be shared well before now. No explanation on the now 2 month delay.

Does Umich look at upward trends in grades? my GPA sits at around 3.5; however, when I calculate my GPA without my freshman year grades, it is 3.87.

I think I read it wrong, it was 3PM EST, my bad. Thanks for reasoning it though.

Thanks for following up! Maybe a silly question, but can you clarify RD1, RD2, RD3? Are we talking regular decision? Or early action?

A 99.99 predictive value! I would love to see that final transcript X :slight_smile:

The 2020-2021 is kinda sorta useful, but really the waitlisted stats, as one example, is an anomaly.

Usually, Michigan will admit about 100 +/- from their waitlist, but because 2020-2021 was such an unusual year, 1,248 (10x) were offered admission from the waitlist. Almost no one (hyperbole) wanted to leave their state and attend OOS. So, the 10,000-12,000 applicants that are usually offered waitlist positions, ballooned up in 2020-2021 to almost 21,000 applicants.

So, newer more relevant stats would be nice.

Yes, RD is regular decision. Since a HUGE amount of “you” will be deferred, you’ll begin to care about RD pretty quickly this week or next. :smile:

Ok gotcha, and there are 3 RD decision rounds? Is there a general time frame for each round?

Is this it? Your post from class of 2024

They do and if you A out senior year with rigor but please keep in mind that the avg LSA student is 3.9 /32-35 Act

We have heard this from two separate counselors in two separate HS (OOS). That UM practices yield management at a MUCH higher rate than just about any peer institution, and that the regional rep is very involved after the postponement in determining whether interest is “real”. Intrinsically, I do understand. I don’t necessarily think it’s for ranking purposes. Rather, it is likely for having a much better sense of actual yield. If they admit strong students who they historically know have UM as their top of one of their top schools, it is an easier approach than admitting stronger students who might use a UM admittal as a base/stepping stone to what they might consider the few “elite” schools above.

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Yep, holy cow. Geez. I couldn’t find it earlier and you did. My internet sleuthing ability is nonexistent.

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Pre-pandemic, the RD releases were on or around the Fridays that were close to 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1. But as I mentioned up thread, the past couple years they’ve been timed with the Ross BBA decisions, which this year are Fridays 2/18, 3/18 and 4/15.

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Could it still be coming out today? Also I heard rumors that it could be tomorrow. Has anyone else heard this?

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FWIW, I pulled fifteen (15) EA acceptances from the Class of 2025 EA thread here on CC, all OOS and with both uwGPA and test scores listed:

Average uwGPA = 3.97
Average SAT = 1,545 (10)
Average ACT = 35.25 (5)

Post #'s ranged from #2546 to #2,831, which is when I lost interest. :rofl: Way up thread, I mentioned to check last year’s thread for the best info on who’s accepted and who’s deferred. The stats are mostly there, but a bunch didn’t list their #'s.

There were several 4.0’s/1,600’s/36’s posted. All LSA and CoE, but one Kinesiology acceptance, which is Post #2590. That Kinesiology applicant had a test score of 1,430, the only 1,400-1,499 score in my very small sample.


Well, that puts it in perspective! :flushed::grimacing:

So basically a 1380, OOS, LSA Communications major, 3.9 UW, & Legacy is basically a no shot :joy::smiling_face_with_tear:

A sample of 15, from here on CC, for a population of 16,000 total acceptances (about 45% +/-are OOS), is statistically insignificant.

The point was that Michigan just doesn’t defer 100% of the top stat applicants just because they think the applicant will be going to HYPSM or plug-in your own favorite Top 20.

They’re trying to build a class with males and females, from all 50 states and International, first gen, legacies, LSA, CoE, Nursing, Kinesiology, SMTD, 300 or so recruited athletes and whole bunch of other characteristics.


just had a friend of a friend say some people got accepted today???