UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I apologize if this was covered earlier, but does anyone have no withdraw button for LSA but still have it for Ross?

Not my S. Both are gone. As I type that, I feel like it could be a bad sign. If he was accepted to LSA and still waiting on Ross, I’d think the withdraw button would still be there for that. But, maybe I’m reading too much into it.

This is my S22’s final college decision. I hope he gets in but personally I don’t think he will eventhough his Michigan essays were the best of the whole lot. Good luck everyone! I hope today is the day. :crossed_fingers:


It’s two whole separate applications, I doubt they correlate with each other

NO withdraw button -LSA yayy finally

Only a hunch, but given the lack of meaningful waves this year, and how burdensome it would be for them to manage a tidal wave of reviews in April, I’m betting that Ross has reviewed some of today’s upcoming acceptances and perhaps there will be a quick turnaround on a double acceptance. Optimistic.

Last few waves, were only acceptances but since its for everyone maybe its just one final wave with acceptances and rejected.

And don’t forget everyone’s favorite, the Waitlist :smiley:

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if you get accepted today, do you also get financial aid information today or a few days later? thanks

So anybody applied to LSA still have withdraw button ?

Yes!! What does that mean?

Did you try refreshing? Also, are you international or applying to one of the smaller schools?

Are you sure? past small waves only people whose button disappeared got results which were positive for them, but they didngt include rejects as part of the small waves I think.


No clue, maybe its positive :grinning: , someone mentioned button disappearing meant rejects. My analysis is maybe not everyone is included in the wave and there are few more waves coming( being optimistic :sweat_smile:)

the withdraw button disappearing simply means there is a decision uploaded into the portal, nothing else as of now

everyone in my class has the button gone
 we r oos


No “withdraw decision” button here, but my son doesn’t regularly check his portal, and I’m not sure when it was last spotted. We are OOS, East Coast. Good luck to all! I, personally, am ready for an answer, as I think that knowing about Michigan one way or another would help my son start moving toward making a choice.


When my daughter was deferred a couple of years ago, we expected it because of portal voodoo. Knowing the likelihood ahead of time was actually helpful and helped her prepare mentally. We were very glad no one minced words.

She was accepted in the first wave after EA that year and is flourishing.


I am sure it doesn’t historically mean rejections, if that’s what you’re asking.

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