UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes, still waiting.

The still do offer it and one CC member here got into it. It’s called the Bridge Scholars Program. I posted the link about 5,000 posts ago. :grinning:

Mine was waitlisted at Wash U and Michigan too and was bummed because she’s thinking if these schools don’t want me how am I getting into the Top 10 next week?? She was accepted though to Carnegie Mellon today and UVA in the early action round. You’re right. They have good options and have to be optimistic about that.


CMU is a good school.

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DD22 was rejected ED CMU and accepted EA Michigan. So :frowning: would rather have had the CMU acceptance!

My heart goes out to everyone who was rejected/waitlisted - especially the legacy applicants who had it as their #1. I’m especially grateful that I was at least accepted so that if I don’t go I can at least still root for UM without any strong negative feelings. Unfortunately I do feel the pain of some of the legacy rejections - was rejected from USC yesterday, where my brother goes, and it was likely what I was going to choose if Michigan did not offer a scholarship. I don’t understand it as I applied to the same program as my brother, he is graduating top of the class this year, and my application is much much stronger than his was - there is no possible logical reason for me to have been rejected and I simply cannot wrap my head around it. Can’t even bring myself to go to the USC CC and read it because I can’t bear to look at the acceptances without crying again. While it hurts greatly because it doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense, I know that a rejection from Michigan still would have hurt infinitely more because I have been attached to it for 17 years, not 4, and I have seen SO MANY posts on this thread of waitlists/rejections to UM that make literally zero sense, like not even the slightest bit. So frustrated with the process this year! It doesn’t make any sense! And I feel so incredibly horrible for the applicants that absolutely deserved to get in. These waitlists just don’t make sense.

Also confused as to how I was accepted to Berkeley EECS (still shocked) but rejected from USC, where I have a sibling, and whom I told was my first choice, and of course is not on Berkeley’s tier for CS or business. I would’ve gladly flip-flopped those decisions. Still want Michigan the most but am pushing myself now to fall in love with UF and GT.


I never knew it had an actual name! Good to know

I also remember seeing a comment about how Michigan’s rejection letter includes a sentence about how the decision was especially difficult because of your ties to the Michigan family if you were a legacy applicant. USC’s says the same. I don’t understand why colleges think that this sentence helps, it honestly only makes it worse


also wanted to say thanks to @sushiritto and @Knowsstuff for the kind words and help throughout this entire process - i think i can speak for the whole thread when i say that we are grateful for all of the help through this entire year and process


Sorry to hear, you are a very strong candidate. DD22 also rejected by USC Marshall. Didn’t have any business related ECs but still stung especially since it was at top of list/flew out to visit. Their loss!


Hopefully, that’s Oklahoma State or maybe Oregon State. :grin: Congrats!


It’s a weird cycle this year. I have talked to many friends about their kids and no one understands this year.

If you can afford it for engineering I would pick GT. But if one is much less expensive then do that. I forgot your situation but know it’s a good one. Good Luck.

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I hear you and she should be happy. I guess they are always disappointed with waitlists they take to mean rejections.

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Sorry to hear about the UMich denial. But the full ride sounds awesome! Congratulations!

Well deserved, and I am very happy for you. Best wishes.

Well, every other AA-area applicant I’m hearing about now got full Rejected. High stats, the whole shebang. Had a talk with my son about his plans, and we’re gulp ready to Go Green. Visit is still a week away, but even though Wayne State is cool, I honestly think it requires a certain level of independence and maturity he just doesn’t have yet, and he realizes that. MSU will be a better place for him to grow and find his niche and hopefully break out of his shell a little.

So he’ll enter with an A.S. in Computer Science into the CoE for Computer Engineering, hopefully with Junior standing, or close to it. Just a few engineering and physics pre-reqs that he couldn’t take in HS. And if he doesn’t like them, he’ll switch back to Comp Sci. It should work out, as long as he starts busting his butt and making the best of the opportunities he’s been given.

At least we’ll have two teams to root for now when one takes the inevitable dive! OMG, this is happening!!!


It was a rejection for our DS yesterday. Sorry for those who received the same news, congrats to those accepted, and hang in there for the waitlisted!

All good for us here. Happy with other choices and this makes it easier to commit.

Good luck to all students this fall wherever they may end up!


We got waitlisted. Did your daughter get in?

No :confused:
Waitlisted as well.

How was BC and BU? I saw u r on those post too. We got all waitlisted for UMich, BC and BU.

Let’s wait for good news on Tufts!