UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Sounds good and good luck to you too!

I was just thinking what you said so if there is more space on waiting list does that mean our kids are going to be put in the waiting list Instead of being rejected? I hope it’s the other way maybe seeing if they have more spots left so they will be accepted.

I know I am in a rabbit hole and can’t get out . Help lol

This^^^. The are numerous CC members here that didn’t get their decision. There is another wave coming. Again, they said everyone would hear “by early April.”


The latter. The bigger #.

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(internet issues, duplicate post, sorry - I can’t figure out how to just delete)

He actually doesn’t even want to do engineering or Comp Sci at all anymore! His application to U-M was LSA and Cognitive Science (much closer to his actual interests) but he has a wide range of academic interests (a true liberal arts kid, like both his parents) and a lot to figure out for himself (in a good way) about what he wants for his future.

Furman has unbelievable undergraduate research opportunities and state-of-the-art science facilities that rival many of those found at leading research institutions. The mentoring provided by actual faculty is unparalleled, and there are unbelievable opportunities for working one-one-one with faculty in the lab and in the classroom. (Even as a student on the humanities side of things 30 years ago, I had a summer research fellowship that resulted in a published paper, presentation at a national conference, etc., opening all kinds of academic doors later on my path. That year, I was the only non-science major who was sent to the national undergraduate research conference, but now Furman’s commitment is for every student to have opportunities for research and for paid internships, regardless of major - they currently have 92% student engagement and are striving for 100%.) (Sorry, getting a little carried away by my excitement of what I saw at my alma mater this week!)

At our visit this week, my son found his best and deepest connection with the Physics Department, whose graduates land in the top-notch grad programs across the country (and Furman Physics grads have a 100% acceptance rate to med schools - one of my son’s potential interests). Mostly my son was struck by the fact that the students he spoke with were engaged in rigorous studies but actually seemed happy as opposed to the stressed and overwhelmed sense he’s gotten from so many students elsewhere (i.e., here in A2). After all the stress and overwhelm of the past 5 months, it was just a really nice contrast for him to experience.

I do tell him that I’ve heard the students at MSU are pretty happy, too. And we are definitely going to give it a serious look, now with an eye towards some interests other than Comp Sci in the CoE. Lots to ponder now, and though we are still grieving the death of the Wolverine dream, it’s so good to see him start getting excited about other possibilities.

(I also want to say that I so appreciate all the wisdom and advice you have shared in this thread. You and @sushiritto have both given such a rich depth of perspective on U-M and other schools, and it has all been so helpful during a trying time. Thank you.)


Wow! Is that the Duke scholarship? That is so fantastic! Congratulations!!

And yes, it really is like comparing apples and oranges. Totally different. My son kept saying he felt like he was at Interlochen Arts Camp (don’t know if you’re in-state, but Interlochen has that same “away from it all” feel of Furman - gorgeous and retreat-like and not at all intertwined with a city the way U-M is. Now he just needs to decide if that’s what he wants for four years or not (and since I graduated, there is now a 4-year residential requirement, which I think adds to the magic of community there - when I was there the only way to stay on campus as a junior or senior was to be an RA, which is what I and many of my friends did, because living on campus felt like such a crucial part of the experience).

Congratulations to your son. I hope the accepted students day visit goes well and helps him discern his best next stpe.

Haha I’m in the rabbit hole with you! I swore I’d never comment on any of these CC threads, but here I am - LOL! I honestly don’t know what it means if the waitlist opens up (which it will since many won’t stay on it) – I suppose it depends on whether they have already made decisions on this last wave or if they are waiting to see numbers before deciding who to accept/deny/WL


I am really new to CC (only joined in January after my son was deferred EA and we were trying to figure out how to take the best, strongest next steps), so I have no thoughts about how things skew here. But I am local here in Ann Arbor with twin sons at the public high school across the street from the Big House (one of the top 10 feeder schools for U-M). I can say that at our school the news seems to have skewed shockingly bad here. Some really top-notch kids got in, and deservedly. But a whole lot of kids who would’ve been admitted in previous years have been rejected. They had every reason to believe U-M was a target school for them, and it turns out instead it was a reach. I don’t have the numerical data, but anecdotally, it seems like an unprecedented number (or percentage) of qualified kids from our school were rejected this time.

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My bad - the impression from Reddit was that everyone had something on their portal.

Would be nice if Michigan had any transparency. It is like one big black hole. Kudos to the schools that at least make a tough situation more understandable. If kids have info - they are actually able to adjust mentally.


I am new to this . My son hasn’t t heard from
Michigan he is in this last wave. I don’t know what to make of it.

I don’t like the fact he feels alone in finding out. Most kids here in NYC all know . He is one of the few.

Not sure if it’s better because if they were going to reject him they would of? I don’t get why they don’t just send them all out . It’s very frustrating for the kids who don’t know .

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Hi I am responding to your recent post. My son didn’t get a decision on his portal for u-M and is still waiting. We are from NYC and most all kids heard. He is one of the only ones who hasn’t but reading Reddit and cc I see there are others but very very few.

So we are all trying to figure out why our kids weren’t released . What are they waiting for .

like if the last wave is all rejections at least tell us instead of making us more anxious.

Totally agree - my son feels very alone with this too because everyone at his school (we are in westchester, north of NYC) has received decisions except for him
it’s weird and just adds to the stress of being in limbo. I was having a convo about this yesterday with one of the students on here and he/she had applied for summer term so then I was thinking this last wave could be summer term admits? (sometimes they offer that even if you didn’t apply for that particular term
). But, just wishful thinking!

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That’s the thing why would it be rejections? Doesn’t make sense. Wouldn’t they have already rejected them. If there was o Hope why string them along. They have to be waiting for some type of feedback or numbers of how many accepts / or decline.
Ivy decision day is this week so they could be waiting to see how many slots are left based upon who accepts the Ivy over the Michigan spot. Michigan is a big safety for the Ivy crowd. So maybe they aren’t sure how many spots are open.

All just speculation from other parents I know.

I am just in a brain fog over it

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I heard that too abkut summer term. I asked my so. To double check his portal because someone told me that they had a button on the portal thst said switch app meaning switch term of your application so maybe they got accepted to a term they didn’t apply to.

I asked my son and he was so annoyed at me. He thinks I am too obsessed. Luckily he I seems to be a bit more grounded but I know he is stressed better he went to sleep before me last night so I know he is just wiped out from it all.

It’s really. It right to make just a few wait it feels like 10% didn’t hear that’s it

Sorry lots of typos pretty wiped out myself

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He just got into UMich forthe SMTD snd the LSA for a dual degree and he’s considering it, but we have t yet seen the bottom line yet or whether he’ll get any music merit from the SMTD and we’re OOS. Plus, the school is SO big and my son is very quiet
I just don’t know

He got the big music scholarship at Furman on top of academic which puts him over full tuition which is very tempting. I’m interested in your comments about physics. That’s what my son is interested in. We’ll be there next Friday for the Accepted Student Day.

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