UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Best guess is it’s total applicants. However I think the applicant pool that applies to Ross tends to be higher stat than the average. But the odds of admit in Ross are better than they appear after acceptance into LSA.

WOW!! Kudos to your son! What an amazing position he is in now. U-M for SMTD with a dual degree from LSA - that is an incredible option. On top of that to have received the big music scholarship at Furman on top of academic - so fantastic. U-M and Furman are obviously two very different kinds of places but either option will set him up nicely for whatever he wants to do next. I will say that if my son had scholarships that put him over full tuition at Furman, I don’t think there would be any question that my son would be going to FU!

My son is a musician (vocalist as well as jazz band trumpet player and singer) and would plan to be involved in the music program as a non-major. His twin, who is taking a gap year, is also considering Furman, but as a music major (vocalist, pianist, guitarist, and also interested in composition and music industry) possibly with a dual degree in a humanities field. The music department there does not feel as separate from the rest of the school the way it does at many universities (and the way it feels to me at U-M, but I could be wrong b/c I’m not an alum, just an outside observer). At Furman, doing a dual degree in music and something else is very doable and can feel more integrated than in some places.

At the Accepted Student Day this past Friday, it was amazing to me as an alum to see how they have deepened and expanded some of their core commitments to students in really exciting ways over the past 30 years since I graduated. The way they set every student up for success in such a highly personalized way is incredibly compelling. The young women (current juniors/seniors) at the physics department table each had different plans for their academic and career paths, and they spoke with such excitement and passion about how their experience at Furman (with faculty mentors, research opportunities, connections with other students in the department, assistance from the incredible career center) was helping them meet their goals.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out via direct message if you’d like to chat more about Furman. I clearly love the place and could go on and on!

@sushiritto I want to send this to contribute to your research/analysis. You and @Knowsstuff answered several questions for me and others. Thank you for that.

Decision: Waitlisted, but I have withdrawn

Application Type: EA Deferred RD (11/1)
Location: OOS
School: LSA and preferred admit to Ross

Stats: uwGPA (3.93),wGPA (4.72) and ACT (35). 13 AP and 10 Honors

ECs: Three university research, FBI leadership academy, NSLYI merit scholarship, two internships, won four state entrepreneurship competition and seed funding, leadership in school clubs

Admitted: WashU (four year full tuition scholarship), UT Austin Canfield BHP, Notre Dame, UVA echols honors, UNC assured admit to KF and Honors Carolina, Georgia Tech, Rice, Villanova, Indiana

Waitlisted: UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon

Denied: UChicago

Legacy: No. I will make sure it stays that way. :slightly_smiling_face:

Visited: In person official tour

The only positive I can think of is that I don’t have any reason to come to this CC thread. As a student I saw some of the arguments between parents as childish and petty.

Congrats to those who got admitted.

@sushiritto and @Knowsstuff - thank you for the support.


Thank you! I will.

I just realized that I haven’t included anywhere what his other options are, so here is how we came out.

Accepted: MSU, Furman University, University of Vermont, Arizona State University, University of New Mexico
Rejected: UMich, Bowdoin (reach), Northwestern (reach)
Waitlisted: UW-Madison

Congratulations on all of your amazing options.

And yes, parents can be totally childish and petty - some things you never outgrow. :smirk:

Wonder if that wave will include any kids being admitted from the waitlist? I’m sure that is wishful thinking on my part, probably too soon.

Typically, schools go their WL post 5/1, but earlier is certainly possible. It’s very program/school specific.

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Based on what happened last year (not at Michigan, just in general), I think we’ll see a lot of early movement from the WL. We have friends whose DD21 was waitlisted at Barnard, so she accepted at another school and by mid-May was already accepted off the WL at Barnard. Lots of movement with kids now applying to more than a dozen schools, some double that, and schools more inclined to yield-protect.


I don’t know any specifics, but from what I’ve gathered from here over the years is that Michigan identifies applicants that have tremendous potential, but their backgrounds (high schools) may not have given them the best of foundations for learning at the college level or at least Michigan’s level.


I might be wrong but from what I’ve seen everyone who didn’t hear back is from LSA or those who applied to both LSA and Ross

Since I initially applied for the summer term, does that mean I applied to the bridge scholar program?

Lol sorry for all the questions :sweat_smile:

Again, I can only see what’s posted here on CC, a very limited sample size, so I don’t have access to the entire universe of appplicants, but I believe that Michigan offers the program to certain small number of applicants (250-ish), you don’t apply to it.

Here’s an article about the program, but it was published in 2015.

U-M's Summer Bridge Program shows GPA, test scores aren't the only standards for admittance -

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Hi all, I was accepted to Michigan this Friday (woo!). Does anyone know when financial aid/scholarships would be announced? Also, I noticed that all the campus days are full already. Does anyone know of any in-person visit options for Michigan?

I think financial aid statements will come out this Friday - I got accepted EA and it came directly a week after which I think is systematic for them


Thank you and yes exactly! A lot of decisions do not seem to make much sense this year unfortunately

I have a half-scholarship at GT but UF will pay me 15k-ish/year to go there. And then there’s Berkeley, which is of course worth considering for EECS even at full price - how the visits go will hopefully help me decide

My heart still wants UM and is holding out that small bit of hope that I’ll somehow be offered a scholarship in the next two weeks :sweat_smile:


Berkeley is not worth considering at almost 70k a year when you consider the large class sizes and housing problems. If you are going to pay private school $$$, you should expect better. GT at half-tuition is phenomenal and that’s probably where I will advise my son to go if he was in your shoes.

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My D22 finally opened the decision info today.

Waitlisted for LSA after postponed EA
Test optional
Excellent ECs. Very heavy on leadership.
Must have had great LOR
Good essays
Great LOCI

Sister a junior at CoE.

She accepted a position on the waitlist.

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