UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Hello. This thread is quite long, so I can’t exactly pinpoint where exactly it was announced that we would hear from admissions. Please answer, is it tomorrow? Or next week?

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By late January. No other announcement has been made.

Kid has requested that I am not too specific; SAT score in mid-1500’s; UW GPA with highest rigor just shy of 4.0. Some interesting EC’s and was in a competitive summer program before senior year. Applied to engrg. The counselor’s take was that he may get accepted at another higher ranked school, and that UM maybe viewed as backup. But kid wasn’t interested in MIT or Stanford (didn’t apply). UM is one of his top 2 choices.


Thank you. Some Michigan students thought it’d be funny to tell my daughter that they were delayed and would come out in late February. Had to confirm.

Has anyone by chance called?

If you ran a “frequency distribution,” then Michigan likes Friday’s a bit more than other weekdays.

99.99% of the rumors aren’t true. I’ll leave it there. :smile:

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You will get the same response that everyone else will get, “by late January.” They’ll always stick to the “company line.”

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My daughter is looking at Exercise Science, not Sports Management. She’s also looking at UT, UNC, OSU (don’t tell the UM admissions officers), UCONN, and some others. It just feels like everyone is running late this year. And I agree, it’s harder for me than for her. I just want her to go someplace where I know she’ll be happy and proud of.


While I’m rooting for everyone here, I love those Exercise Science/Kinesiology majors. I’m an exercise and sports nut.



My Kinesiology kid is interested in Exercise Science as she wants to eventually be a PT. She’s also applied to UVA, Rice, Tulane as well as the 6 year Direct Entry PT programs at Saint Louis University and Marquette.

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really hoping tomorrow is the day, but considering how they said the end of January im thinking its next Friday.

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Long time lurker, first time poster! DD22 applied to LSA for Communications and Media and English. It’s her dream to write for The Michigan Daily and eventually become a writer/editor. We are in-state. She has okay stats, but we are prepared for postponement and/or rejection. She signed up for a virtual session with a UMich AO who reviewed her Personal Statement essay and said it was fantastic, impactful and unique, and she shouldn’t change a thing. My question is…can amazing essays and LORs really overcome a 3.6UW? She has a 32 ACT, but 35s on both English and Reading. It’s just very clear what her strengths are, and it’s not math!

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Thank you.

I think AOs often overlook weak math scores for language oriented kids. The narrative in the application is very important. If an AO thought that her narrative is good, then she stands a good chance.


It makes me so sad when I hear a 3.6 and 32 ACT is viewed as “ok” these days :frowning: I think that is a great GPA, and I also think that if an admissions officer is reading her personal statement and saying its impactful and unique - I truly feel like colleges are looking for kids with those characteristics. They want kids who will bring something special to their campuses. Wishing your daughter the best of luck! My son applied to LSA for political science, and we are waiting here too. Its hard not to feel discouraged hearing that they defer so many kids bc they realize it may not be their first choice. Its also hard hearing all of these stories about kids who are truly worthy of a spot, but competing with other kids that “check off boxes” for the college. Hoping decisions come out tomorrow - like Tom Petty said…the waiting is the hardest part lol


Well we know it is either tomorrow or the 28th but given the silence and no concrete word from Michigan I’m leaning more towards the 28th. Wish they would name a day to help us all out.

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I also applied for Communications and Media! Can I ask what her essays were about?

Anyone apply for LSA Econ?


She wrote her essay about her experience in Ethics class at an extremely conservative high school after being at a magnet school where diverse ideas were encouraged. But it was written in story format. Why UMich essay was about the future of journalism and storytelling and how The Michigan Daily served as her example when she founded her school newspaper and journalism club.

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