UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

We are in Western PA - outside of Pittsburgh - a great district but lower acceptances at UMich. I remain hopeful and go by the mantra that you never know unless you try!


Bro… u got into Caltech. Ur in at Mich. Also, are you considering UMich over Caltech?


Is by the end of the month mean the 21st or is end of the month the 28th in Michigan speak :thinking:???

I don’t know, but I just want an answer so I can stop wasting every Friday stalking this thread! :joy:


Did any verified sources say mich is coming out today?


Are there any other thread son other sites that would possibly have info? So tempted to call them lol


This is the right point. I tried to raise it last week and everyone disagreed. The simple fact is that the schools are rewarding kids who show real interest as the schools are worried about yield. Sadly, this leads to kids telling a lot of schools that they are “first”. Overtime this will begin to reflect negatively on the high school, but in the short term it will just be a “surprise” for the AO who let in a lot of kids based in their “indicated” interest.

So in past years a few of us had a Michigan Insider give us a clue on proposed dates /times of the release so we could be factual. This has not happened so far this year. Just a FYI…

i just called and all they said is “there’s no specific timeline; they’ll be out by the end of january”


Wait who gets chosen for Stamps? Like was it a separate application?

for stamps, we had to submit a separate portfolio with an extra supplemental

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it was through slideroom i believe

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I’m stamps too!


Oh, I meant the Stamps scholarship, not the art school LOL

lowkey nervous! but excitedly waiting!!

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LOL my bad!

Good luck to you! Even if we are deferred it does not decrease the value of our work


For sure! Good luck!!

I dont understand why they are being so elusive with when it comes out, what good does that do???


I’ve got bad news for you. Based on the only person that I’ve seen on this forum ever that applied to both UMich and was accepted to Cal Tech, that person was deferred and ultimately rejected at UMich. A sample of ONE.

So, he went to Cal Tech. (all true, but said tongue-in-cheek). Best of luck!