UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I heard they are not coming out today…

From who

Someone heard from an admissions officer.
But who knows

I just have to say as a parent and an educator, essays are not a very good way to access students. Look up the Penn girl Fierceton who totally fabricated her “life story” essay all the way to having her Rhodes Scholarship revoked. Emphasis on a well crafted essay does not prevent the system from being gamed and I actually think it makes it easier. It is much harder to fake a test score than an essay which can either be total BS or flat out written by someone else. I know of way more affluent students getting “help” with their essays than were seeking paid test- prep- why? it’s the easy path for the lazy student and the parents less interested in the actual education than the perception of it. The top academic student at my son’s private school, as well as my own son, prepared for standardized tests with old fashioned and inexpensive prep books and practice tests - that was it- most of which could be found online for free- but for ease, we provided.


Something about the Schlissel scandal but that doesn’t make sense…

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I heard this too… know anything

I heard the same thing.

We have nothing in the portal :frowning:

3:01 and nothing

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I think next Friday…

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I agree with you. That is why I am a fan of standardized tests.


Well this is disappointing


Two years ago, portal had decision before 3:00

GAH why can’t they just release them :sob::sob: I’m so tired of waiting


Would the 3 release time be EST?


looks like we wait till next week lol :upside_down_face:

Thank you for the info!

Here we go again y’all :grinning:

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Why’d they do the weird portal thing on Monday :sob: do they have to play with us like this?


I guess it’s 10,080 minutes. Enjoy your weekend