UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

There may be some truth to that as some who are near perfect may not choose U Mich as their first choice if they have a “better” option yet still apply there just in case. U Mich knows that and is why you hear stories of people not getting in to U Mich but getting into places like Harvard or Stanford. It’s all about yield.

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I can’t say for everyone but my kid got into COE without any demonstrated interest or interview. We didn’t visit or attend any virtual sessions or correspond with an admissions officer.

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According to the CDS, yes, demonstrated interest is “considered.”

As for how to show demonstrated interest, Michigan does hold virtual seminars, maybe corresponding with AO’s or telling your GC that you will attend, if admitted.

D18 got in EA too (December 2017) and also had three offers from schools in the Top 20. She still chose Michigan.

And she’s had a wonderful 4 years. The highlight was storming the field after the OSU game last November. :grin:


the black screen has really lasted for long this time, makes me want to hope that it would come on wed, thurs or fri but i wont hope cause i know umich loves tearing our hopes apart and keep us in anxiety.


Looks like lot of kids who has good ACT/SAT score got in. So, if ACT/SAT not very high, kind of low 1400SAT, 33ACT, not athlete. Is it still possible to get in for OOS?

Absolutely! I’ve posted in the past this because people generally don’t post scores unless they are off the charts, but two of my kids got into UMich OOS with meh scores for the typical UMich student. One LSA and honors college, and the other Kinesiology. There grades were 4.6+ weighted in an IB program and both did what I think are considered pretty good extracurriculars–lots of community service and leadership type activities for their chosen career paths. One had a mid-1400 SAT and the other was just under 1400…which I know seems unheard of in these forums. It is the reason my third child is applying even though the odds are against him. He does have better SAT than his siblings, but he is a STEM major so I think the math at least matters more for him. I do think UMich looks holistically at the applications and not just a test score. I hope this give a little light to those wondering if stats are the end all be all at UMich.


Of course. 33 is a great score for any school. It’s having all the other stuff that goes with it also. Something like 50,000 (estimate) early action applications, it’s tough for any kid especially Out of state but also lots of OOS kids at Michigan so some luck is needed.

There are always stories of kids just applying, no interest, OK grades, no ecs etc because it’s a holistic review and the schools want some of these kids also. No school wants all the same type of kids. They are building a community. Hopefully your child put together the best application they could to showcase themselves the best they could for all their schools they apply to. After that, throw in some luck and a lot of waiting.


Did they get in EA?

Absolutely correct! Lots of stem kids get lower scores in English /reading sections also. Sort of the norm with Stem kids. It’s to be expected. This forum also run high since all of our kids are perfect :roll_eyes:.

One thing that they say at the engineering open house is if you don’t communicate well (stem kids being stereotypically introverted), you will still get a good job after leaving Michigan and work as part of a team. For those willing to sharpen those communication skills, well, you will probably lead the team to those other kids. Because at Michigan, Leaders and Best… Etc etc…and this is true.
They also say that getting a B is like getting an A at just about any other school…(everyone gasped!) … So get ready… It’s challenging for the best students


As I was driving my son to school this morning conversation around the upcoming EA decisions came up. He understands his GPA might me on the lower side (mostly driven by freshmen year) but his academic rigor was high I would say.Good standardized testing scores. While his EC’s and essays are strong difficult to evaluate from AO’s perspective. This is his stats:

GPA: 3.81 (uw); 4.48 (w)
AP: 9 till his junior year (all 4 & 5). 6 more in his senior year
SAT: 1550 , SAT Math2 & Chem: 800; Bio: 770
Nationally ranked among top5 speakers in his speech event; has a paper published in pre-collegiate journal by Johns Hopkins, All Academic American by NSDA( National speech and debate); NMSQT semi finalists (hopes to get finalists call); AP scholar with-distinction and other leadership roles and community service.

Keeping fingers crossed


Good luck - if that doesnt get him in - its a yield reason! they think he’ll go to an Ivy!


Thanks. ED he was rejected Princeton. Difficult to know what schools are looking for. Scores are just one part

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But is Michigan his top choice at this point? Or did he apply there (and to others with EA option) to hedge his bets while waiting for more prestigious RD decisions to come out? My son has similar stats (also OOS/LSA), rejected ED from Penn. While I think Michigan is a serious contender, I am not sure he would choose it above all other RD schools he applied to (several other Ivies, Northwestern, Duke, Vandy, UCLA, etc.) if he has the choice. And Michigan knows this, which is why students with stats like that may not be accepted EA. . . .


yeah - as they said back in the day it was where your application landed on the staircase… now with computers… who knows…

Yes Michigan is one of his top choices. But nothing in hand as of now other than his safety school definitely concerned and nervous

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seems unfortunate that there is not a way to rank the choices… like they did with Med schools

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Same here - two safety options confirmed but no real “contenders” at this point, although the next two weeks will be huge with many strong schools announcing EA decisions (Michigan, UNC, UVA, etc.). We are nervous also, but the rational part of me knows that he will have good choices and will land where he is meant to, as so many say. . . . I’m sure the same is true for your son. :slight_smile:


today is WEDNESDAY! Is today the day?! :rofl:

Everyone gets rejected from Princeton Ed… Lol… Or it seems like it. A good friends son was on a national debate team and went to debate camp etc etc. Almost perfect scores and was shocked when Princeton rejected him from our best school in the state at that time. After acceptances to Michigan, Northwestern etc he ended up at his safety… University of Chicago… It was the right school for him. Michigan would not of been.