UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

That is what I have been saying all along…If you’re managing the office, the decision deadline here and there are 5000 apps yet to read, easy call to defer all 5000 as from the admission office’s perspective there is no harm done. Now from the applicant’s perspective it defeats the purpose of hurrying up and applying two months ahead of everyone else. Our experience so far with the EA process is that it has lost its meaning. For 99 % of the kids out there unless they’re applying ED/REA somewhwere, no need to rush for EA anymore. At least that is what I"m recommending to anybody who asks these days.

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The only negative with this is Michigan will have about half of their Freshman class come out of EA. So yes, there is still half to go but it is nice to know where your going if Michigan is your top choice. Some schools like Purdue take the majority of their freshman class out of EA. Most schools if they have higher then normal yield can fill their entire class. With the pandemic more kids are staying instate also which is scewing the numbers a bit

Depends on the school. UVA has a very clear historical statistical advantage for EA over RD (even after they’ve added ED), as do some others. Not sure what UM’s are, but I have to believe there’s some limited advantage of EA. Even if not, it provides a student a data point and what seems like a higher likelihood of hearing earlier than RD applicants if postponed.


I kind of resent that they would make an assumption about my first choice. I have a lot of great offers, including a t10 school but am waiting on UMich because I really want it.


We’re same. Assuming reject UNC OOS, postpone UM, and hoping UVA is an admit since similar students from our HS have been admitted over the last few years (several with lesser stats and/or EC/leadership). Then wait for RD flood in March!

I don’t think it is a human choice they are making. They have algorithms and statistics that help them build a class, and I would imagine that the math tells them that if they admit really high OOS stat kids in EA that it will be difficult to determine how many will attend. That trickles down to the RD acceptance, and the school not having a strong historical handle on what their yield is likely to be. It’s not “fair” and we are assuming our child is going to be a part of that postponement process, but I don’t know if there’s a better way. The “postpone and wait for GC to call to let us know that XY student is really interested” seems to be a safer route for the school.

My son with a 3.95 GPA, 1560 SAT (800 ERW/760 Math), lots of ECs, good number of AP and Honors courses, is now resigned to not getting in to any “reach” or “target” schools, as he has been rejected or deferred at all of these category of schools he has applied. In at a couple “safety” schools that he is not excited about. Hope he gets some positive news from UM, UW and GA Tech this week but not holding our breath.

What do we think? Is today the day? Any insight from your schools’ college counselors?

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Rejected or deferred at all in that category? Do you mind if I ask which schools, specifically? Stats seem strong, from what you are describing. . . .

Your GC will CALL the schools?!! :joy: Mine would act very put out by the mere suggestion.


Team, the system is broken. There is no debate.


Any chance decisions will come out today? The wait is excruciating lol

You aren’t alone. I know several high-stat, well-rounded kids in that situation right now. I hope something pans out—but remember, you are amazing… and you will be amazing no matter where you land.

The waiting is what kills both sides. The schools are waiting to figure out their yield and are worried. The kids are waiting as their minds race for months.

As I posted before, there is a very easy blockchain solution where it all happens in the ether on a single day with the push of a button. Quietly and confidentially. And quickly!!

Well Silvers46, we will be in good contact over the next few weeks. Those are the exact schools my D is waiting on - UNC, VA, UM. Besides the two she is already in at and one that she probably should get in, those three are the ones. The rest are almost certainly not going to come through. I wish you tremendous luck and hope that we can share good news soon!

Rejected at Cal Tech (no surprise) and Notre Dame. Deferred at MIT, South Carolina, Purdue and Minnesota. Of this list, Cal Tech and MIT were considered “reach,” ND was a “target” school (along with UM, GA Tech and UW), and South Carolina, Purdue and Minnesota were classified as “safety/likely” schools according to sites like CC, Cappex, etc.

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seconding this question

One yes, the other was deferred then he was waitlisted.

You too!! We’re realistic on UNC, but very much hoping for UM and UVA. Have some hail mary’s RD that he’s in the 50-75% range for admitted students in most areas, but not putting any eggs in those baskets. Plus, I’m not sure he’d choose them over UM or UVA anyway.

The common app killed the system. It became far too easy to submit 20 apps. And 7 Hail Marys.