UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Along with professional college counselors, studying for the SAT for two years and Rick Singer…

That is really surprising with his stats (and seems to have rigor etc). Hopefully UM will work out!

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Improvement to the process…Limit total applications and have students force rank them together with the maximum they’re willing or can pay. Such that a college knows where they stand in priority and how much aid they have to provide, with students commited ED style to the highest ranked acceptance on their list. Yes I know this is wishful thinking because we pride ourselves on having freedoms…Don’t think the above is quite perfect (could be tweaked), but would force everyone to their homework and do the ranking/thinking ahead of time as opposed to the shot-gun let’s apply to a bunch and do the thinking later approach.
Something along the above is how quite a few countries in the world do it and yes some of those have college tuition to pay as well, and applicants weigh that into their thinking in the application process.

I am surprised as well by some of these deferrals. Why do you think So Carolina deferred him? I am not familiar with the app. Were there many essays? Is he applying for an impacted major?

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This is actually very similar to the UK’s system (a limit of 5 unis), but it definitely has its cons. Personally, I love the fact that the US does not limit the number of applications that one can send. It really does allow a student (who, at 17-18, is unlikely to be 100% of his or her uni preferences) to explore. But I do agree that some tweaks can be made to the current system to avoid committed students from getting deferred or rejected due to yield protection…

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Notre Dame and UMich out of state are a reach for everyone, as acceptance rates are under 20%.


Yeah South Carolina is stumping me.

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Sorry, one more. The other piece that is broken is the fact that the schools look more favorably at certain high schools than others. Really sucks for the great kid from the other high school when the school down the block sends 5 kids to XYZ every year and her school has never had 1.


Pretty impressive stats. Good Luck

100 percent demonstrated interest at So Car. If your kid didn’t have the sentence that says this is my top choice or some logical connection to the area - zero chance.

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This “broken system” is because of the vicious cycle the colleges have helped foster. Here’s how it goes…

Start → Review applications “holistically” - which on the surface sounds like a great idea because after all who wants a whole college filled with just high stat kids? But in reality this makes the process highly uncertain for those high-stat kids, and non-transparent for all applicants.

Result → Applicants apply to a much larger set of schools in the early round because they don’t know who will say yes, who will yield protect, who will “shape” them out, who was having a bad day when reading their essay, etc.

Result → Colleges start seeing applications from lots of students that they hadn’t seen before, and now have to worry about who’s actually interested and who’s using them as a backup in case they don’t get into their dream school.

Result → Defer an ever larger pool of applicants, looking to shake off the loosely-committed and those that get accepted elsewhere and withdraw (or in some cases, offer an ED2 to separate the truly committed from the rest)

Result → Applicants get frustrated, share their stories, and next year’s batch applies to even more schools to hedge their bets.

Rinse and repeat…


Question regarding these numbers. Is the 8328 the number of students who applied to Michigan overall or the number of students ADMITTED to LSA (and chose preferred admission to Ross)? If it’s the former, then is it fair to say that…

~26% of the 8328 (2165) who applied will get admitted.
Of the 2165 admitted to LSA, 935 (43%) get admitted to Ross.

So, if a Ross applicant gets into Michigan, there’s slightly less than a 50/50 chance that they’ll get into Ross.

Do I have this right?

In the deferral letter they mentioned that they had received a record number of applications. He has also applied for Engineering and that seems to be very competitive at every school. It was a bit of a surprise though because they sent him an unsolicited letter in August encouraging him to apply as he would qualify for thousands in merit scholarships.

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You forgot —

“You should call my friend Rick Singer……”

You’re right, and we knew that going in. His scores are above the 25-75% range at both of those schools so we were hoping he had a chance. Will find out later this week for UM but not looking good.

A good friend’s kid was deferred IS from GT with 4.0UW, 1600 SAT, 12 APs, and good ECs (w/leadership postions). Who knows?

I have a close friends kid who is now a junior at VT. Same perfect stats - no legit offers. Started two real companies in high school and three more in college.

GT OOS acceptance for COE I would at par with MIT & CalTech

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Maybe ppl should show a little self control and not put in 20 apps. Just sayin’ And try being more realistic about what are “targets” and “safeties”.


Yes, they were shocked. Only applied to 2 schools thinking GT IS was high odds of admission. Still could get in, but shocked by the deferral. This broken system is forcing kids to apply to so many schools, so that they don’t end up in that position. It’s crazy.

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