UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Ultimately enterprising kids will find a way to get where they deserve in life. My undergrad admissions were a long time ago but I know now there is no real setback to my peers who didn’t end up at prestigious schools even though they had what it takes. Every one of them is now equally or even more successful than the friends who went to the T20 schools.


Another nj waiting for GT, UMD, and UMichigan - same Bat Time, same Bat Channel !. Yep - either done this week or it’s a long wait into late March…best of luck to all!

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D22 has similar stats, Brown ED got rejected for her.

Some of the deferrals will come through but your targets are reaches for anyone regardless of stats and grades. Also Purdue has been really tough the last 3 years and is starting to become a reach for many. It used to be a safety but no more. Good Luck.


This is totally true, but when you’re a high stat kid who has busted their ass for years because every adult around you has told you that working hard, doing well in school is the recipe for success, it’s a tough life lesson.


Same thing, D22 rejected at UPenn. It’s for the best but still, it stung.

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This 100 %. Just look at your neighborhood. All my neighbors went to anything from top schools, Ivy, and no name schools. We all live in the same neighborhood and drive similar cars. Kids all go to similar schools…


My kid drove to Indianapolis to watch the BIG10 championship game! It was once in a lifetime kind of experience.
Other than Athletics the school provides so many resources for you to be successful, office hours, free tutoring, like if you want to do well you are provided the tools.
The environment is so collaborative.
No complaints so far!
Knowsstuff had told me this last year when we were deciding and now we understand it fully!


Glad it worked out. Michigan will make your kid successful if they want to be. Just have to ask for help. They “want” your kids to be successful. There is so much help there it’s unreal… That is what you are paying for plus facilities that are world class and faculty also. Every company wants to work with the students here.


Reading all of this makes me kind of glad that my S22 “only” has a 3.9 GPA and 32 ACT. I almost feel like it gives him a better chance since he has some demonstrated interest (and is the son of an alum). In addition to UM, he’s still waiting on UW-M, UIUC and UF–all business schools. Got into IU (Kelley too) and that’s his 2nd choice. UM is his first choice and it will break his heart (and mine too to see him so sad) if he doesn’t get in. But I know he’ll be successful wherever he goes. It’s just hard for an 18 year old to see that right now.


100%. Schools are completely responsible for this (yet they’re ecstatic, as they are padding their coffers will many millions in application fees). Financial considerations are the #1, #2, #3, and #4 reasons why most schools will continue with test optional. Optically they’ll say equity, but that isn’t the real reason. It’s $.

I believe schools should track interest much more effectively. One way would be essays. Wake Forest and U Chicago do a great job. I would guess less kids shotgun apps to those schools, as it’s impossible to recycle for their prompts. But overall, to apply, a student should need to somehow have engaged with a school beforehand.

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so is there any information on if decisions will be released today?

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This is deja-vu all over again for our family. Oldest is a sophomore at UMich currently and LOVES it. Middle kiddo is waiting to hear, but fully expecting to be deferred. Wishing everyone here luck and sanity through this process.


Of course, this is true. In reality, most undergrad degress help a little in your first job and then it’s all work product from there. I might argue that UM is a better degree than most Ivies in the real world, as the network is so amazingly broad in just about any discipline.

The problem is that these kids work so hard in HS, and this is what they see as the first pay off. Most kids intrinsically know that there are probably 100+ schools they could go to that won’t impact their life outcomes all that much, but they want the shiny object.




thank you so much


In recent weeks, my conversations w/son have been about “expect” the deferrals. He was deferred from an Ivy back in Dec He was accepted to a safety/target last week. He has UM/GT this week; and then UVA, UCBerk, CMU and some RD “super reaches”. His dream is UM…partly because of the circle of friends and family that he knows there; partly because his dad ('89 grad) got him watching/going to UM football games early, and mostly because he loves the “vibe” – his word. He has a closet filled w/M gear…he even did the “lets go blue” fight song at 10 on his trumpet. He really sees himself there. And I told him – if deferral happens — probably use all of that in LOCI.

The hardest part is tempering expectations and emotions. As others have said, all of our kids work so hard to excel, and be well-rounded AND have an angle (yes it seems you have to do both)…feel for all of them (and the parents too).


VERY similar to my son (including a dad who is an '89 grad)

Pardon my ignorance, but what is LOCI? I’m guessing Letter of Continued Interest (or something like that)? Is that something that deferred students are asked/required to do or is it just a good idea to send something like this if deffered?

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They have a great honors college…