UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

hey there fellow '89. yes, that’s the def of LOCI. I’m not sure if your’e asked for LOCI, but it’s highly recommended you submit one if it’s your top choice.

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Also with the UK system from my experience relies heavily on your ALevel results which don’t come out till August. So you pick your top five considering your predicted results and your GCSE results as a guide. Forgive me if this has changed but can you imagine waiting till the end of August to see where you will go? For some it’s fine but for others that can be quite stressful.

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Yes I agree, which is why I find American admissions far better in that aspect. I really appreciate how most US universities take into account our performance throughout high school rather than just final results from an external exam (i.e IGCSEs/ A-levels/ IB). I also love the US’ emphasis on extracurriculars and essays.


Precisely! And that is the result of a totally warped system with uneven outcomes, unfair decisions that lack merit and make everyone anxious. It is the worst application of game theory with deep impact on young minds. Not sure who gains? Our kids deserve our support and hugs!

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The reality is Michigan didn’t want any Loci but students by the thousands sent them in anyway. So they made a way to send something in that goes into your file. GT has a system that their more required. If my kid, send it in right away… But… Many students have also sent a Letter of Intent (LOI), prior to EA which I always suggest to do. Some balk at this idea but they are all at Michigan but also had everything else they needed. Letter of recommendation and Essay count also.

Those deferrals that you see on the OSU thread from yesterday are an unusual situation. My daughter was one of them. All OSU decisions are released on the same day, which was last Friday. There were acceptances, deferrals and denials that were released throughout the day. Except that a handful of applicants never got their decision, and there was no communication from Ohio State about it. It was very weird. The weekend came and went, and on Monday, OSU remained silent. On Tuesday at 5, all of those missing decisions were deferred. I suspect they somehow missed a whole batch of EA apps and never reviewed them. When they realized it on Monday, they had already allocated their EA acceptance spots, and had already moved on to reviewing the regular decision apps, so they made the decision to just defer the whole batch. It stinks, but they can do whatever they want.


This is basically my S22’s situation. I went to Ross and my son has been surrounded by other U-M alumni throughout his life. He also loves Michigan as a state. So much so that his favorite teams are Pistons/Lions/Wings even ahead of the local (bay area) teams.

I’ve sat him down and told him he is unlikely to get in and he has accepted that possibility quite well.

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Yes! And to continue fueling that fire, my daughter last night told me she is preparing to submit even more applications before Feb 1 because she’s worried about all the deferrals. If she waits until March/April and gets nothing, then what? I’m not sure I support this, but I can see how she’s losing hope. I almost feel like a rejection is easier than a deferral.

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agree. he had a strong “why Michigan” essay but more geared toward his passion/interests and specific ties back to CoE program. I think if he had to do it over again, he would of mentioned more of the personal affiliation…again will be good LOCI time.

So for sure Friday now?

No… He did it correctly from what you said. My son never mentioned Michigan as his number 1 or anything like that. It’s cliché and they know your interested but he mentioned what types of students he wanted to be surrounded by and challenged with etc etc. His also went back to how it relates to Coe… The essay should be unique, personal and interesting… Very hard to do all three. But kids accepted they spent 10 minutes on it and were excepted also… Lol

Nothing is for sure but that is where I would put my betting money on. But, check back at 3:00 pm today, Thursday and Friday or set your phone to vibrate to this site in notifications… Trust me… You will know then I. Lol

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Can someone chance me?
I’m in state and go to a high school that is 20 minutes away from umich. I applied to lsa with an interest in computer science.
1460 sat
4.0 uw gpa
4.22 weighted, 8 AP classes with a 4 or 5 on all the exams, 6 honors classes, I haven’t gotten lower than an A- in high school.
Ive played 5 sports, been on varsity for two of them and Ive been the captain for one of them during my junior and senior year.
I’ve been the president, Vice President and secretary for student council for three separate years.
I’ve been on nhs my junior and senior years, did two other smaller clubs, and I had a job my junior year.


Yes, but…you’re assuming that the overall acceptance rate of 26% (2020-2021) to the university is the same as the admittance rate for Ross applicants to their home school.

One could argue that because the stats of the Ross applicants are higher than the overall class plus with the extra portfolio work that Ross applicants must submit, maybe the Ross applicant’s admittance rate to their home school is higher than the general admittance population.

Or maybe the admittance rate for Ross applicants admitted to their home schools is less than the overall class, because Michigan, via a fancy algorithm, may be able to determine who’s coming to their home school, if denied for Ross. :grin:

FYI, the overall acceptance rate for 2021-2022 was 20% (16,000 acceptances, 80,000 apps). But no Ross breakdown yet.

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There was that ONE Thursday in 2019. :rofl:


In the last 2 years, I’ve repeated ad nauseum to my S22 about the insignificance of this decision on his ultimate success. Grad school, active career management, learning to ride the right wave - there are so many inflection points. I gave examples from my own life and tried to show how skills and tenacity will pay far greater returns than the prestige of the undergrad institution.

He knows the speech word for word by now. Donno if it has helped him but it has definitely calmed me down :joy:


Not trying to one up your kid, but my D18 drove with 2 friends from A2 to Miami to see the Orange Bowl against UGA. I believe it was a 19-20 hour drive, but you’re right, once in a lifetime experience.

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I assume everyone else has this notification on Student Business in Wolverine Access?

When I click on it, it brings this up. Clicking open link just leads to an unauthorized page.

My D22 has it.