UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I have it as well, not sure if it means anything.

I’m sure it means nothing! I’m just like a child right now—if I see something shiny, I’m interested.


Same old black screen about uploading EA decisons. OH NO WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! lol :wink:

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Definitely! I’m a current student and I got in last year EA OOS with a 31 ACT 3.9/4.2 GPA and not an athlete. Extracurriculars, essays, and interest do matter

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So how’s your year going so far?

I second this! I have a pretty wide diverse group of friends, all very successful, from a variety of different universities. I tell my kids what it comes down to is getting a degree, work ethic, and networking!


My son has it too

Chance me?

3.8 gpa, switched from private to public school junior year, 4 honors, ap weren’t offered 9-10th grade. Competitive gymnast, cheer captain, DEI involvement and pretty good essays

It’s great! I absolutely love Michigan. There are an insane amount of extracurriculars to get involved in and you’re constantly meeting new people and trying new things. I’ve loved my classes and exploring AA and meeting all kinds of people with varying academic interests and career goals. Obviously COVID is still prevalent on campus, but Michigan does make testing and vaccinations accessible to those who need it. I am happy to answer more specific questions about the school/my experience especially as decisions come out and y’all are choosing between universities (I had a tough time choosing but feel I made the right choice)!


I have always told my kids, work hard and know you did your part. The rest is almost a lottery. Also told them if you are putting in 110% to get the grades you have maybe you don’t want to apply to the most highly competitive schools, bc it may be hard to come up with that extra 10% to get to 120% to compete. But if you are getting your good grades and test scores with 80/90% effort and living a well balanced life as far as sports, leadership, hobbies, and social outlets you are in a good place. I don’t want them to give up balance. One high achieving friend of my kids that got into his dream school said to me his junior year of college, I’m always going the extra mile but it’s not enough bc other kids are going the extra 5 miles. I would have had more opportunities at a slightly less competitive school and would have more easily risen to the top. Probably not most peoples philosophy, but for me it goes back to balance, stress, and work ethic.


I say this to my kids at least 1x/month!

That’s awesome. Just think it might help some here make decisions hearing from actual students. I can rah rah all day but it’s an amazing school for the right student. Good luck

Can someone also chance me? I am an OOS student.

GPA - 3.7UW, 4.5W
Classes - 13 AP’s (3’s, 4’s, 5’s), 10 honors, 3 electives.
Clubs - 9 clubs, most notably NHS and NEHS (public relations officer and vice president).
Sports - four-year Varisty cheerleader (captain one year as well), on both of my school’s cheer competitive teams, one year of Varsity swimming, allstar cheerleading for 8 years.
300+ volunteer hours, worked a coaching job for one year, was a student aide in my school’s special education room for four years, went test-optional.

I’m not sure of my chances because I’m an OOS student but just wanted some second opinions!

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Chance me is difficult because you seem just as if not more qualified than plenty people I know at Michigan. Thing is and many people have discussed this before: so much of it is a lottery. You have a really great chance but to a certain extent it’s up to chance and you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be!


thank you! i know so much it lottery but i hope it works out! i feel like i’ve done everything i can


Is someone able to chance my son?

He is OOS
4.5/3.9 GPA
33 ACT
Cross country freshman year but that was it.
Worked as a basketball coach, language tutor, and camp counselor.
Strong extracurriculars in and out of school including a President role.
His extracurriculars out of school are focused on community and advocacy.

So far in my college journey I have been accepted EA into Caltech and Georgetown. I got rejected EA from Notre Dame which surprised me tbh. Hoping I get in EA into UMich but honestly it is all a lottery.


squish, those are great stats! I think you have a very good chance of getting in.

Good luck!

If you felt you did everything you can then have no regrets. There is a luck factor with most schools. :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:

Good luck to all. It’s so hard to wait, especially since we are fully preparing to be postponed and have to continue waiting. At least we got a yes from Purdue, which is going to soften the blow of potential deferrals from UMich, GT, and Maryland this weekend.