UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

That is the great thing about Michigan that most other schools cannot boast. It is truly top 5 or 10 is just about every discipline it offers. A student can go there undecided and end up with a degree that is meaningful.


Yep and this gets very overlooked. If your lucky enough to go to Michigan your coming away with a degree that will get you a good job. Like some other schools companies are coming here specifically to get Michigan grads. My own sons company did this and they had him do some initial interviews to get more this year in the engineering sector
 He was their first Michigan Grad.

For Instate absolutely.
For out of state is the sticker price of 67k/ year is that still worth it? Other top state schools like GT, UIUC, Purdue are lesser though. Are job prospects/salary better than say these or other top 50 schools.

First off go to a school that you can cleanly afford without taking out loans and mortgaging the house. That would be my first priority. If you can afford it and all schools are financially worth it and within budget then it comes down to fit and feel. For us going OOS to Michigan from Illinois wasn’t even close. All these schools your getting jobs. Every school has their advantages. The schools you mentioned in engineering are all schools that if you don’t get your first choice then good luck. GT is known to be overly intense and Illinois could limit you. Combine Purdue in there. At Michigan once your in you can move around majors and they will do anything to make you successful.

 It’s up to you. The school name isn’t getting you the job. If your active at all these schools and make a name for yourself you will get noticed for job offers

Also it’s the culture of the school. So fit, feel, culture is really up to you what you want out of your 4 year experience. That you have to decide.

To further answer this. Job prospects all schools will have that. Starting salary, will be about the same per company. So if company A is hiring 10 engineers from Berkeley, Illinois, Michigan, GT and some unknown name school as 1st year engineers. Their all making the same. But does the leadership skills you gain at Michigan further your career? It can but I am sure the other schools will say that that also
 At a Michigan engineering open house the one thing they stressed was anyone can become an engineer. If you want to be a follower and part of the team then you will have a good career. But at Michigan, they want you to lead the team
 I think that’s the mindset and difference.

When will decisions be released (actually)? Will it be january again, even though the deadline was not extended like last year?

U Mich says on their website they will release EA decisions in January. Many EA schools are going to this model (release decisions in Jan/Feb) for several reasons
one primary reason is so that they don’t needlessly accept applicants who end up being admitted to their ED school.


My son never saw his HAIL interview invitation
 buried in gmail. It expired. Oh well.

No worries. UMich HAIL interviews are informational only and won’t affect his admission chances.

From the “Application review process” portion of:

HAIL interviews are informational and will not have an impact on your admission to Michigan Engineering.

Yup, same with us too. we saw this evening, but it was expired 2 days ago.

So do students applying to LSA compete for a spot amongst the other applicants applying to LSA or do they also compete for a spot amongst applicants applying to the College of Engineering for example?

LSA competes with LSA. It wouldn’t be fair to compete with engineering
 If that makes sense
 You are basically compared to kids from your school and region
 Per se
 Meet their avg and you have a chance

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So if a student from my school (for example) applies to the CofE but I apply to LSA then our applications do not compete against one another?

I don’t know the 1:1 relationship but you need more rigor and classes for stem vs non stem but still with rigor so yes

Okay I understand so you are basically competing for different seats in different schools so your application is probably reviewed by different officers in different ways. Thank you!!

Honestly, don’t worry about it. Just do the best you can. To me, your competing with yourself. If you don’t get accepted it won’t be because someone else in engineering etc got in
 Good luck!

That is correct. The same AO’s aren’t reviewing CoE, LSA, Nursing, Kinesiology, SMTD, etc. applications. Each school has their own set of reviewers. That’s why you’re specifying which school that you’re applying to with your application.

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My DD too! Go Blue!

hey, im an international applicant . I wanted to ask if anyone has an idea when the EA decisions will come out? late jan or arnd christmas? Since the website says the former but people are saying the latter.

They used to release EA decisions in the 3rd week of December but last year they pushed it out to the 3rd week of January and seem to be sticking with that schedule this year as well.

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