UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

That is amazing, Congrats!! :confetti_ball::tada:

This is 100% true. I got into Harvard way, way back in the day, and there was no concept of “fit” back then. You went to the best place you got into, of course, period. My older two kids went to Michigan and I saw what I missed. I don’t have regrets, and it would be disingenuous to think the H brand name hasn’t helped my career - it definitely has. (I’m a lawyer, and that world still puts undue weight these things.) BUT, I could go on (and won’t) about how a public school kid from Queens, NYC was like a fish out of water with the hackey-sack crowd. Just one example: My roommate told me she went to St. Paul’s and I said, “oh is that a Catholic school?” She was like, no, St. Paul’s, you know, St. Paul’s - in New Hampshire. (I had no idea what she was talking about. It’s where John Kerry, Bill Muller, Sheldon Whitehouse, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Charles Schribner, etc. went). Anyway, my son and daughter really thrived at Michigan academically and socially - and now my younger daughter awaits her choices.

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Those were my S20 stats, he was deferred but got in. It’s very interestin g because 8 of his friends with similar stats got in first round, same high school. They all played same sports and same EC’s. I thought they would never take my son after that bc he was a carbon copy of his literally 8 bff’s. But he got in, his gpa was a 4.0 though and another one of their bff’s was deferred with similar stats but had 35 ACT. I must say my sons Essays were awful. He is the type of kid who has to do it all on his own and wouldn’t let us offer guidance. We told him his essays needed work, but he refused to listen.


That attitude, while likely harming him slightly in the admissions process, is a NET, NET positive in life. Can’t imagine how many parents basically complete their child’s application, and then proceed to edit every paper the student writes in college. Then everyone wonders why that same person doesn’t succeed in their first job.


Were you OOS?

Yes I’m OOS

I can relate to your son wanting to do it all. My D22 would not allow me to read her essays until after the application has been submitted. She would allow me to review her application before hitting the submit button to make sure that she hasn’t mis-typed something, but not the essays. I loved her essays as it reflected what she is. She has an ambition of making an impact in the life of people who have physical disabilities by using her skills/“inventions” that will make them to work/perform on-par with people who don’t have those disabilities.


That’s great! Congrats, and best wishes for UMich. If you get accepted, are you looking to pick it over Caltech or Georgetown? Just curious.

Or for that matter Medical residency choices. Although very scary and clouded in secrecy since everything is done by a computer match (you rank your choices and the institution ranks its applicants) after doing interviews and applications for months the entire process is done on a single day in a split second
and that’s where you go. You are told you need to be happy wherever you go ( even your lowest rank or dont rank them). It is a far more efficient process still with anxiety but for a very short period of time
not like the college process which drags out and is dependent on so many factors including if students really want to go there (leading to withdrawls, waitlists, and the chain reaction that ensues)

Is it possible we hear back today? I remember someone saying last week that Wednesday was an option

Wow, shocked he was deferred at Purdue. Was it engineering? DD got in EA for Data Science. Deferred at Case. Otherwise into all her safety schools. Michigan is the one as we are instate and its not far. Although she says she doesn’t care. We are waiting on Wisconsin and some RD schools as well. Best wishes

i have twins- boy and girl
 almost exact stats- my daughter was accepted with big $$ to south Carolina and my son deferred
 no rhyme or reason!


I have one of those kids too! And it is why I have been so anxious!

They probably read the two essays differently. And the recs and ECs are probably different. But it is foolish on their part to defer one, because likely both won’t go, and their yield will be affected. And they wouldn’t even get the one they wanted.

This cycle is just crazy - who knows, he might end up at MIT when all is said and done. And I hope that turns out to be the case.

Thanks for coming over and sharing your profile. What is your major?

fingers crossed! it’s a possibility but it is more likely it’ll be friday. although michigan did post an instagram picture to tease us! the caption was “destiny is calling” and when someone commented asking when early action would be out the university liked the comment. but again there is a lot of speculation to what day we will hear back.

My kid was accepted to OSU on 12/13.

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Friends of our daughter is at Michigan after being accepted to some special program at Georgetown and discovered at Michigan she could mimic the program if she wanted to but now looks like she might go into a different major. Which at Michigan is pretty easy to do.

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I have two kids at UM- Stamps class of 2023 and LSA class of 2025, and our youngest is a high school senior this year and has also applied to UM. We are anxiously waiting to see if we’ve achieved a “hat trick” or whether the third child goes to a rival school and we are a house divided! :wink: