UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

We have nieces and nephews who have recently graduated UM and they gave great advice. Said it’s very easy to get lost in the shuffle at UM, but for those willing to pursue their passions it was super easy to find multiple areas of interest. When they do find it, the resources are second to none in almost any subject. But cautioned you need to have a purpose academically, that they each had friends who either a) partied and enjoyed the sports but didn’t really end up with great results post-graduation or b) tried to dabble in everything and never really found their footing. I imagine most large state schools are similar, but the difference at UM is that you probably don’t have the option of “faking it” due to the rigor.


Yes, he applied for engineering at Purdue and every other school. Tough application cycle so far.

Living in Washington, DC, there is no in-state option. I grew up in Detroit and we are back in Michigan often, so he and my other kids kinda think of Michigan as their “home” state. Hope he hears some good news in the coming days.

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No, I contacted admissions and they said it isn’t coming out today

Yeah, wouldn’t that be something if he ended up getting accepted at MIT? I think he would love that. His Robotics Team faculty advisor is a MIT grad and he wrote him a great letter of recommendation, so that will help. But there are SOOO many great applicants to that school that he is not counting on getting in. The next several months will sure be interesting!

hopefully it is soon then. lots of kids are stressing

Did they say Friday?

Yep." Study hard, party hard" moto…sounds like it wasn’t a good fit. That is why I keep saying it’s a difficult school for the best students. It’s a very academic school and should be… But… The help is there if they seek it out. All the people I know who are great students there took /take advantage of the math /science help labs, writing lab, peer to peer tutors, TA sessions and so on… It’s there for the taking

My D’s friend got rejected from her ED school, with just 1 safety at hand which she was unlikely to attend she was super stressed out. Finally it ended up in weeks time she’s accepted to Oxford Uni and planning to go there. Things, at the end, work out for our good.

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Highly likely to be news in the next 175,860 seconds.


Anyyyybody wanna see if they can get them to confirm Friday? :joy:

Our kids have come from a school that isn’t heavy on college prep so they have taken advantage of those resources; they are there but you DO have to be self motivated and humble and ask!

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Sounds like it wasn’t an appropriate safety pick then!

I told my D and I tell it to anyone I’m advising: of all the colleges you pick, your safety is the most important choice you’ll make. You have to be happy going there, and be able to afford it. If all else fails that’s where you’re going.
I think a lot of kids (and parents) miss that point.


Absolutely but my son did go to one of those schools and the best students used those resources. That’s how their good students there… Lol… All his friends used the help when needed. Professors get bored sitting in their offices (olden days now on zoom I guess) but if their the ones writing the tests, that’s whom I want to talk with. They will steer you in the correct direction. It was scary to my son also but after the first contact… Then it became easier. Most of the professors truly want you to succeed… Good Luck to your son.

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what’s umich’s issue? they’re acting like they planning a terror attack or something by trying to keep it under the sheets when we’re already heading end of January. Here in India we already on 27th Jan. So what’s all this chase they’re trying to make us do. Awful!

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Back to your earlier point - they apply to too many schools and lose respect for the diligence process. I said to my daughter a couple of weeks back - “Don’t forget XYZ comes out tomorrow.” Her response, “Dad, what really is XYZ anyway?”

Can anyone chance me for lsa/Ross?

IB Predicted 44/45
GPA 4.0/4.0
ECs are mainly Leadership/Volunteering/Academic, but nothing like investment clubs, business clubs, etc for business
Essays are unique

I’m most worried for Ross as I don’t have activities that strongly relate to business, although I have some that relate to leadership/fund management/accounting.

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they didn’t say anything nor will they say anything, pls don’t waste your time asking them. They wont tell you anything that no one on this thread has not yet said. Just wait for that jumpscare email.

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We are CA based, UCs would be cost effective to attend than OOS safety IMHO

As frustrating as this wait is, to be honest I’m not sure there’s an issue with UMich. They said “end of January”, and they’ve historically released on Fridays. Any expectation of an earlier release date is based only on speculation on this forum (and Reddit, etc). UMich hasn’t fueled any of this speculation, so can’t really blame them.


I understand that. But my point is, if it’s a school that she’s unlikely to attend (including due to cost) then it’s not really a safety.