UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I see it too. When I signed in it says access denied.

She loves it! She’s had a few issues with classes being over-registered and Covid made hands on learning difficult for a couple of semesters but it seems to have smoothed out now. Many very interesting classes to take on top of the core curriculum (which is great too). She’s heading to England this semester for the study abroad requirement and is pretty excited.

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Does UMichigan have admitted student days in the spring or closer to the summer? If my child gets in it would be nice to visit. We said we would visit if there was an acceptance.

Friday it is!

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Or Monday…

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Im hoping for everyone’s sake it’s Friday. This thread has almost 2k posts. We all need a weekend to rest!


I’ve been in the livechat for about 10 minutes and asked my question but I still haven’t gotten an answer, weird.

This is a different answer than I’ve gotten in the past.

I’m just as nervous as everyone else, but I think speculating and reaching out to support every hour is pointless. We’re going to be getting our decisions within the next 4 days, no use working ourselves up any more than we already are. Take a deep breath and don’t forget that everyone will do amazing no matter where they go! Best of luck folks, we’ve got this!


Different people will give different answers. Nothing to see here


It seems silly at this point to release on Thursday. You know that Friday saves (delays) so much hassle in terms of calls and emails. I would be shocked if it came today.

If you could get it out early in the week, maybe the appreciation is greater than the hassle, but not for 24 hours.

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Does anyone know someone that is a student at Stamps? If so do you know what their stats were?

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I have it also. Does anyone not have it?

Agreed. My issue is that so many schools alert the applicants in advance as to when to expect decisions. It relieves a lot of the pressure, and I would imagine also relieves the school and admin office of a ton of calls and emails as well. The dropping of the test requirements has literally made UM many millions of dollars, so they could easily invest in upgraded servers or support staff to aid with the onslaught of students checking.


Our database predicts: 82%

Does anyone know what time they typically get released?

From what I have seen, there will be an admitted student day probably in April, but for a small fee. If you are in Michigan, they do have receptions around the state too that are free to attend and you receive a free tshirt.


82% possibility of what?

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Last year was 3pm EST

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Thanks for the reply.