UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread

UCLA received nearly 146,000 applications this year. That will probably be more than 1.6x the number of applications UMich has received. Yet, UCLA managed to release their RD decisions on March 17, almost two weeks ago. Somehow UCLA can figure out how to manage their admissions process to allow for an earlier release date despite probably receiving 50,000+ more apps than UMich. Go figure.


UCLA doesn’t do EA, though. I agree Michigan should move to this model (no EA slowing things down) or even move to an ED model. Essentially, the statement of continued interested operates like a (nonbinding) ED statement—especially since they asked RD applicants to submit them as well.

On our Penn State visit, the number of applications then mentioned was something like 115,000, and they also do EA. Michigan is intentionally dragging this out IMO.

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Intentionally? That doesn’t seem right. Unless, you mean they’re waiting for all the Ivy kids to drop out–but they have until April 30 to do that.

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Is there anything unforeseeable about the number of applicants? It has been surging at most of its peers for several years. Why did they allow until February 1 for RD submission?

In any event, I don’t buy that admissions doesn’t know when they will release – it would take at least a week to process the data after decisions to have up on the website, etc. Admissions may not be telling honors or parts of the campus or the public, but if they truly aren’t far enough to know when they will be done, that would suggest not early April.

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I hear that, but it’s not a guarantee that will change things up enough to make enough of a difference. Unless, this is an experiment for this year, to see if it helps.

On the other hand, it could actually be tomorrow and they’re conducting a psychological experiment, reading these forums for research.

@notahomemaker or Michigan could actually make decisions during EA and only defer the top applicants who were really close to being admitted. I get the impression that they defer a large majority of EA applicants, which just doubles their workload on those applicants since they have to review them twice. If they made real decisions in the EA round, it would help to spread out their workload allow them to hit their dates. I don’t understand why they are so wishywashy in the EA round.


I’m not convinced they review them twice. I think they review them enough to know whether they’re rejecting them EA. I think they’re looking for specific stats (for out of state, anyway), and additional factors that indicate likelihood they’ll be attending. I do know a couple kids in the past they gambled wrong on—they took their high stats elsewhere after being accepted EA. Maybe this year had less clarity for them for some reason.


UCLA’s deadline is November 30 and Mich is Feb 1.


They could still use those months to really review the EA applicants and cut the pool down so that for RD they have fewer applications to review. But if you are right, at least they aren’t doing double work.

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you’re amazing - thank you!

Except every kid we know sent a LOCI (100+ kids) - and many have other good LAC offers or will get Ivy offers tonight. Not sure the LOCI really matters either way.

To be comparable, I believe one would use Michigan’s EA deadline of November 1, by when they have received a large portion of the total applications.

So it takes UCLA less than 4 months to complete review of close to 150k apps, while Michigan cannot finish 90k± apps for 5 months.

Applicants to Michigan should be really grateful that, on average, Michigan admission spends double the time on each application than UCLA does

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Not sure stats are what they looked for in EA — plenty of 1550+/4.0 students in NYC all deferred. These kids are all from very competitive private high schools with a long history of sending kids to Michigan. Many of which are legacy.



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Ya, but UCLA doesn’t have snow days. :rofl:

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I thought Michigan was too hard core for snow days! Lol

Actually, Michigan is hardcore about snow days. I was just trying to get a laugh. They all can’t be winners. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is registration for admitted student tours open for everyone? I was deferred and was just wondering if being able to register means anything. Thanks!