UMichigan Class of 2027 Official RD Thread

The struggle is def real


I havenā€™t seen numbers. At schools with ED this is the case, but probably less so with an EA school. But Iā€™m only guessing.

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My daughter applied early action and, on Monday of the week the decisions came out (which was on a Friday) the portals were shut down. I am thinking thereā€™s a chance it wonā€™t be this week. :expressionless:

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If itā€™s not this week, we are moving on. I imagine we are not alone in this decision.


It violates universal etiquette to not release by April 1 at the latest. Thereā€™s no rule holding them to it but itā€™s super bad form. Perhaps they shouldnā€™t have given students until 2/1 if they didnā€™t know they could process decisions by 4/1.


they might actually want this. Seriously. Meaning so many applicants that it makes their job easier to reduce the count


I donā€™t think they will reduce count early enough to matter. I do know applicants who withdrew after an EA Postponement though.

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You canā€™t apply to the LSA Honors Program until youā€™ve been accepted to LSA, and the Honors application is due on April 5th. So it feels like they have to release decisions by April 1st, donā€™t they? My daughter would love to be in the Honors Program if she ends up at Michigan, but she isnā€™t going to start writing a 1000-word essay until she finds out if sheā€™s been accepted!


Iā€™m right there with you.

This comment makes me feel the most optimistic that decisions may come out this week.


I thought they admitted you to Honors with your acceptance. Do you have a link to where/how to apply?

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Canā€™t put links here but if you Google Michigan LSA Honors, itā€™ll come up.

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just googled and these are the links:


Exactly. Thatā€™s a really tight window too since they are releasing so late. It seems like if you are accepted RD it would be hard to apply for honors unless you wait and apply later once you are already a student there (I did see that was an option.)


This may have already been mentioned, I just noticed a message on the Portal says ā€œEarly April: Latest expected date for release of admission decisionsā€ I thought it had said by April 1 before. I am wondering if it could possibly come out next week?

Has always said this so yes, it could.

So I reached out to Honors at Michigan for you all. They said the director is discussing about extending the application deadline but has NOT made a decision yet. It all comes down to the actual release date. There are lots of factors on their side to consider.

I am not debating what is fair or not but just giving some Intel.

There was no indication there would be a release tomorrow. I donā€™t think they know till they know and itā€™s happening maybe within a few hours of the release. I would look for portal disco dancing first as a clue.

Good luck.


Itā€™s all fine. S23 is extremely patient. I wish I knew what upcoming travel we might need to do in a compressed time period, but it seems like taking longer could possibly lead to decisions being more definitive. So, that could be a good thing in the long run.

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I chatted with admissions yesterday all they would say is early April. Would not say no later than a date in April. Donā€™t understand why they canā€™t tell us.

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I think because they honestly donā€™t know. They were overwhelmed with more apps than ever before and deferring the amount in EA that they did, I can only imagine this is a very tough year for their admission team.

I am hoping that they are looking at every applicant thoroughly. With today being Ivy Day, there will be a lot of overlap. Trying to give Mich the benefit of the doubt and be patient (it is hard!)