<p>Which one would present me with better opportunities? I hope to be a surgeon in the future...</p>
<p>If those are your two choices, and if your hope is to be a surgeon, then VCU without a doubt.</p>
<p>why? if you don’t mind me asking…</p>
<p>have you seen the UMKC thread? read the comments, then make an informed decision.</p>
<p>I actually have read the whole thing at one point… it seems people either love it or hate it
personally I’m kinda obsessed with medicine so I feel like I would fit in…
but I also feel as though VCU and its med school are better recognized?</p>
<p>I advice against the 6yr program at UMKC. It is the lowest ranked med school in the whole nation. The basic science courses are taken out or compressed which will not help you score well in USMLE. Many competitive residencies will not even consider you since your school cut corners or rushed through many important requirements to squeeze everything in 6 years. You don’t even get to dissect in medical school at UMKC. I think you need to pay attention to the lowest ranking of the UMKC program because the residencies will. You have to ask ‘WHY’ UMKC gets the lowest research grant and not just accept it as it is. Why is the research almost nonexistant? Why is UMKC looking for cash infusion? Because residencies will pay attention to your resume which might not be stellar if you did not even get a chance to achieve much at UMKC because of the low quality of your school.</p>
<p>Try to find out all the answers before you enter this aweful program blindly. Why 25% students drop out from the 6yr program? of the others, why most students don’t graduate in 6 years but extend to 7, 8, 9 years? why UMKC matchlists don’t even come close to other med schools? Why do they get only bare minimum NIH funding? Why was the school put on probation a few years back? Why are they looking for cash infusion unlike any other med school? Why students don’t perform well in USMLE? Why won’t they tell you the average StepI score? Why do they not get competitive residencies except only occasionally every few years unlike other med schools?</p>
<p>UMKC is the lowest ranked program in the country for a reason. Students who go here know that but they might not tell you the truth of what they are going through. Since you want to be a surgeon don’t come to UMKC by any means. Definitely go to the 8yr program at VCU.</p>
<p>to answer your question, VCU would give you better opportunities.</p>
<p>I would say Schrizto and HighHope pretty much summed it up. If you think the only major issue, after reading the UMKC thread is that people either really love or really hate the program, you haven’t read it closely enough.</p>
<p>“personally I’m kinda obsessed with medicine so I feel like I would fit in…” - I don’t really know what you mean by that, but not really seeing it as a good thing. Your obsession with medicine is thru the lens of an 18 year old. You’ll need more than an obsession with medicine to get thru the UMKC program, trust me.</p>
<p>UMKC’s medical school is mainly geared toward primary care. Since you are interested in surgical fields - UMKC would not be a good fit for you. HighHope is correct - in the required coursework that includes Anatomy - medical students do not dissect cadavers. Probably not a good thing, if you plan on going into Surgery.</p>
<p>So unlike other decision-making threads on here, your problem has a very easy solution btw your two choices - pick VCU. If you decide later, that VCU’s medical school is not a medical school you want to end up and get your MD at, then you can always use the undergraduate portion of VCU’s program to take the MCAT, build up your CV, and apply out to another medical school. Whatever you decide, whether it’s a combined program or a traditional undergrad, make an informed decision.</p>
<p>agreed, an “obsession” with medicine is not enough to justify going to the UMKC program.</p>
<p>-VCU is likely cheaper despite being 8 years. Most CCers who apply to UMKC are OOS, and the OOS price tag for UMKC is ridiculous
-VCU’s program is more flexible than UMKC’s.
-VCU’s undergrad and med school reputation are better than UMKC’s</p>
<p>I really appreciate all the insight guys…</p>
<p>After talking it over with multiple people I am leaning toward VCU due to all hte opportunities: research, biomedical engineering major, internships, cost wise :), study abroad, and being able top apply out…</p>
<p>I’d like to clear up my previous statement about obsession however: What I really meant to say was that I have always wanted to and dreamed of being in the medical field, specifically a surgeon. And so, I saw UMKC as the most efficient way to get there</p>
<p>However VCU appeals to me now due to the unlimited opportunities when compared to UMKC</p>
<p>Does anyone else have a little more insight for me to make my decision (by April 30th!!)</p>
<p>i am going to vcu sooo excited! but will be staying at home though but still happy</p>
<p>oh also going to medicine if u plan to go to vcu definately contact me!</p>
<p>GMED program? so what made you choose it?</p>
<p>nope i am going the regular way to med school i think …as of right now. maybe head to india if i want to complete my studies earlier and start working sooner. but the reason i am choosing vcu is because that is where i do see myself going. the oppurtunites are great and plus i am close to home (my folks want me to stay home… hahaha typical indian parents) however i wish med school took less time though :/</p>
<p>ohhh do I know what you mean… My dream school was Rice and I got in with over 30k in grants but of course the parentals knew what was best for me, so here I am choosing between VCU and UMKC…
I’m actually from Baltimore Maryland so I’m not familiar with all the schools in Virginia… but just curious why not Vtech or UVA? Don’t get me wrong because I am sooo impressed with VCU’s opportunities, but if it were not for the GMED program I would have never heard about it…:(</p>
<p>vcu is becoming more well known. i mean it is not well known like uva or vtech but it is getting there… i hope u choose the right place… its tough</p>
<p>I’m officially going!! so excited !!
random, but are you thinking about trying out for the bhangra team?</p>
<p>hahahaha wait u r a sikh?? i am… i dont know i will see when i start school… but email me… so we can meet up or start knowing each other… if that is okay with u… i just want a branch out u noe
yyayayyaya!!! congrats girl!</p>
<p>haha no I’m not Sikh but I’ve been dancing (classical bharathnatyam) ever since I could walk so I figured I’d give bhangra a try
I’m actually south Indian, Tamil</p>
<p>wat’s your email??</p>
<p>i just emailed you on this college confidential account… and gave you my email address in that email… post a reply if you didnt recvieve the email
hahaha btw you need to teach me how to dance… lets just say i am not very coordinated :)</p>