UMN or UW-Madison?

<p>communications major, but just generally -- which is better for student life, academics, atmosphere, etc.? (Posting in UMN forum as well)</p>

<p>I was in a similar situation as you last summer. this fall ill be a uw frosh but i actually visited u of iowa and u of minn… i did like minnesota very much but the reason i chose uw is because i love madison and it gave me a feeling that i could make it as big or as small as i wanted to… i just didnt get the possible new home feeling from UMN-TC like i did uw and it seemed like the twin cities were too big. for me it was pretty easy to decide where i was going after visiting these campuses. good luck in your college choice!</p>

<p>Thanks a lot! I’m visiting both in the next two weeks so it really comes down to that. I live in Wisconsin so Madison is closer, and if they’re neck and neck it’ll probably be UW</p>

<p>Ummm, one school is well known for great social life, great academics, being activist, and great sports/school spirit versus one that is known for–none of the above. Is it really a tough choice? Unless UMinn is free it’s a no-brainer. UW has everything UMinn really really wants to have–but does not.</p>

<p>I faced your problem as well and really it came down to one thing… I was visiting Madison one day in the spring and walking up Bascom Hill it hit me. yes Madison has a great social atmosphere but at the same time I wanted a great academic opportunity and there was no way I was going to pass up being a badger.</p>

<p>that’s not to say Madison is a bad school. It’s still a GREAT school. </p>

<p>that’s not to say UMN is a bad school. It’s still a darn good school. Yes, its academics are a tad worst (didn’t want to use worst because it implies it’s bad when it’s not) in comparison to Madison, but really that’s because the enrollment is so much higher.</p>

<p>Go wherever you feel most comfortable. If you’ve always wanted to be a Badger and now have that choice, then go for it. If being a Badger isn’t high up on your list and you want a fresh start, go wherever that may be. If something doesn’t work out freshman year, you can always transfer.</p>

<p>I think it’s generally accepted that Madison, on average, is better academically.</p>

<p>From a sports board</p>

<p>"UW Football: 14,000 Student tickets sell out in 36 minutes</p>

<p>Minnesota Football: 8,000 Student tickets still on sale after nearly 2 months"</p>

<p>Right, barrons, meaning that another 14,000 undergrads are denied the opportunity for season tickets, especially those who had to work during those 36 minutes and couldn’t log on to a computer.</p>

<p>Real fair.</p>

<p>Priorities. Not to mention you can always get tickets on campus as I said. You can say any system is infair–seniority denies freshmen tickets, camping out is just a huge time waster (Duke), maybe they should auction them to higherst bidders but that would hurt the poor. At least everyone has an equal chance under this system.</p>

<p>Every post you make reminds me of why I can’t stand you.</p>

<p>Priorities of football tickets over work.</p>

<p>Infair? Never heard of that.</p>

<p>Just looking for general opinions here guys; no need for the hostility, barrons!</p>

<p>Obviously you have no history here. The Uminn-UW has been done over many times on both boards. It’s a rivalry–UW does not like UMInn and Uminn wishes it were more like UW. Even their President has made that his goal in life. But everything I said was essentially true. UW is at the top of all lists for great this and that about colleges. U Minn–not so much. Just a fact.
And UW Communications is better. Actually one of the best in the US.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>After posting this, I actually found a lot of old UW/UMN threads and read through them. In many, you posted things that could have been useful, but you said them in such a haughty way that people replied with differing opinions and you got extremely defensive and, as I said, hostile. Opinions from both sides of the debate are welcome–that’s what makes it a debate. I might go to Madison. I might go to Minnesota. I’m trying to learn as much as I can about them. Facts are helpful, accusatory bias is not.</p>

<p>No need for this to become an argument. I thank you for the facts you provided, and merely ask that confrontations not be started on this thread.</p>

<p>I’m from NJ, we are naturally more confrontational and rather enjoy gloves off debates. It’s the antithesis of the midwestern style. Something you might encounter if you go away to college. That’s why there are multiple reality shows based on NJ people and none on the Midwest–just too docile.</p>

<p>Wait a minute - what about MTV’s ‘College Life’?</p>

<p>Oh, yea, “College Life.” What a great portrayal of UW-Madison.</p>

<p>I preferred the UW women on MTV’s Spring Break. UW is obviously the exception to the dull Midwest rule. Or the UW student on “Running in Heels”–the only one that worked hard and was honest and likable.</p>

<p>Shannabanana, I’m going to declare a Comm Arts major this fall - I’ve taken a couple of classes in the department already and I’ve been really pleased so far. I took 361 and 372 - you’ve got two tracks to pick from… radio/television/film or communication science and rhetorical studies. The professors and grad students have been great - academics aside, I love being a student in Madison. I can’t even begin to express how excited I am to get back to school in the fall. And that’s the thing - I love being in Madison and being a student at UW. A perfect place to spend your college career. You really can’t top fall in Madison - football on Saturdays in Camp Randall, the Farmer’s Market on the Capitol Square, State Street any day of the week, Bascom Hill when the leaves turn… I digress, :slight_smile: I’m obviously incredibly biased, but that’s my two cents on my delirious happiness as a Badger.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, and thanks kimu08 for a Comm Arts perspective! I toured campus last week and loved it. Unless there is something really extraordinary about Minnesota when I get there, it’s looking like Madison for sure. :)</p>