UNC unlikely letter?

My husband is a UNC alum, and our daughter applied RD oos. Husband received a letter today basically saying they are humbled our daughter applied, haven’t reached a decision yet, had so many amazing applicants, value their alumni, etc., etc. We believe this letter only went out to alumni whose kids are getting rejected. Did anyone else receive this letter in snail mail?

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Not necessarily.

I received a similar letter (different college) when my son applied, and he was accepted.

I think that some colleges send this type of letter to all alum parents whose students are applying. I can’t imagine they would send it to just the students whom they plan to not admit. But they do it to make sure the alums don’t think it’s a sure thing – because so often it is not.


Thank you so much for your reply! It gives me hope! The letter came so late in the admissions process – decisions will be out in three weeks – so the timing is something we are really concerned about.


I know – this time is so stressful and letters like that just make it worse.

I hope she gets accepted! Does she have other schools where she has already been accepted, or some good matches and safeties, just in case?


Yes. She is very fortunate to have been accepted to five safeties already, thank goodness! They aren’t as exciting to her as UNC or her other target/reach schools, but she could imagine being happy at least three of them! That has taken a huge stress off.


That letter is unfortunate in its wording. They send it to all the legacy families. It sounds as though they are softening you up for a rejection. We received it, and then later received an acceptance.


I’m glad! It’s always good to have options!

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I wouldn’t read too much into it…it could go either way. Not to be a downer but in the interest of a different outcome from a different school: a close friend who is an UMichigan alum received a similar letter from UMichigan regarding her daughter and she was not accepted.

I’m glad your daughter has some acceptances in her pocket. Wishing her more good news in near future!

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I am a UNC alumni and received the same type of letter last year. He is now in his second semester at UNC…so don’t worry I think it goes out to all alumni. Good luck!!


I received a similar letter from a school my son applied to, and I’m an alum. He was not accepted, but they send it out to all alums.


Thank you so much. This is encouraging!

Thank you for letting me know!

Thank you for giving us hope! It is her top pick.

It is so hard for OOS applicants to get into some of these good state schools. We aren’t counting our chickens.

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Yes! It is a great relief!

Our DS applied to UNC early action, and he received this same letter. It goes to all legacy kids who are out of state (does not go to legacy kids who are in-state). I actually think it’s more of a legacy acknowledgement letter, which is a good thing, because it means those kids are evaluated with the in-state kids and not as out of state candidate.

Our DS got into his ED school and withdrew his UNC application, so no anecdote on acceptance from us.


Two of our children applied OOS. Both my husband and I are alum. We received that letter each time our child applied. Both were accepted. My heart sunk the first time we received it too. It must be auto generated. Wishing good things for your daughter :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


I never knew legacy kids were considered with the in-state group! Congratulations for your DS on his ED acceptance!

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This says UNC has no legacy preference for in-state students, and that OOS legacies are considered with the non-resident pool.

The University’s admissions policy provides no legacy preference for North Carolina applicants. Out-of-state applicants whose parents are alumni must still compete for admission in the highly competitive non-resident pool, and that legacy status may be one factor among many the admissions office considers.

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Yes the legacy admit rate at UNC is 40% plus which matches in state acceptance rate. It makes a tremendous difference for a school where the out-of-state acceptance rate is single digits! That being said, UNC legacy is no more a shoo in than UNC in-state and is still a difficult admit.

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