<p>Does anyone know about Hong Kong University at all? I really want to go there and study because i would love to live in HK for 3 years. I would probably get an undergrad in international business. Then I would come back to the US and finish up with an MBA in marketing maybe. Presuming I get good grades in HKU, do you think I will be able to get accepted into some of the top schools for my MBA with an HKU degree? globally HKU is ranked top 20.</p>
<p>also, anyone know if financial aid is available for students going abroad?</p>
<p>Are you referring to the University of Hong Kong? Or to the Chinese University of Hong Kong?</p>
<p>I was referring to University of Hong Kong, HKU not CUHK, but i am interested in CUHK as well, just not as much as im interested in HKU</p>
<p>Decades ago, I studied at the Chinese University of Hong Kong which taught primarily in the Cantoneese dialect of Chinese, although there were also some courses taught in the Mandarin dialect. (My courses were taught in English as part of the Yale in China program). The Univ. of Hong Kong was an English language university.
My info. is so old that it may no longer be accurate. CUHK was especially interesting at that time because several professors were escaped Chinese dissenters who also happened to be authors of controversial works banned by the Communist Red China authorities.
Wait until monsoon season; the fog will be so thick that you can’t see more than two or three feet. You will experience days reported at 100 degrees F & 100% humidity without rain.
P.S. This was so long ago that I was one of the first Americans ever permitted to enter Communist China as a tourist.
It might be worth your time to contact Yale University & other U.S. & British schools that run/co-ordinate year long study programs in China & Hong Kong.</p>
<p>oh wow, thats pretty cool, the thing about the prof.'s. im pretty sure HK is very different now, ive never heard anything about the monsoon season tho 0_o whoa one of the first americans permitted as a tourist! when u went, was HK under british control?</p>
<p>but anyway, well i was interested in studying there for my undergrad degree entirely, like not just a one year thing. i speak a little mandarin, my brain is sort of patterned for it so i hope i can pick it up well, i am half chinese and spent a year in china when i was 1 year old and speak to my grandma and stuff.</p>
<p>Greetings michelleger,</p>
<p>You can obtain your 3-year undergraduate degree from any of the universities at Hong Kong (including HKU as you said) and it will be accepted internationally as a bachelor’s degree. </p>
<p>Now to specifically answer your question, that really depends on the institution for your graduate degree. Granted, a lot will depend on your grades and your admissions essay, the added experience of your going abroad will add wonderfully to your resume. It will definitely help you stand out from the rest. </p>
<p>As for financial aid, there are a number of scholarships offered for studying abroad. You can find university-specific ones at the HKU website, but those are not the only ones available…you can check out the large list over at [Study</a> Abroad Scholarships, Study Abroad Financial Aid](<a href=“http://www.studyabroad.com/forum/financial_aid.html]Study”>Federal Financial Aid Options for Study Abroad)</p>
Webmaster, [url=<a href=“http://www.theroria.com%5DTheroria%5B/url”>http://www.theroria.com]Theroria[/url</a>] - the study abroad community</p>
<p>oh thank you thank you! do you know typically how much financial aid is distributed? see, i really want to go to HKU, and it is cheaper, but some schools here will give me hefty scholarships while HKU will not =(</p>
<p>You bet!</p>
<p>I’ve seen scholarships award anything from $500-$10,000. The median ranges from $1,500 to $4,000. The one I know of specifically is Freeman-Asia:</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.iie.org/programs/freeman-asia/[/url]”>http://www.iie.org/programs/freeman-asia/</a> awards from $3,000 to $7,000</p>
<p>There are of course others; this hefty list can be found at [Study</a> Abroad Scholarships - Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.studyabroadfunding.org/Hong_Kong/]Study”>http://www.studyabroadfunding.org/Hong_Kong/)</p>
<p>The great thing is that aside from applying for scholarships specifically at HKU, you can also apply to the various financial aid schemes that are offered for international students studying in Asia, and not just necessarily at HKU.</p>
Webmaster, [url=<a href=“http://www.theroria.com%5DTheroria%5B/url”>http://www.theroria.com]Theroria[/url</a>] - the study abroad community</p>
<p>you can read more about studying in HK here:
[Studying</a> in HK - BrightSparks Forum](<a href=“http://forum.brightsparks.com.sg/showthread.php?t=56]Studying”>http://forum.brightsparks.com.sg/showthread.php?t=56)
this swede did his undergrad in HK too:
[Raz</a> in Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.razinhk.com/]Raz”>http://www.razinhk.com/)</p>