Undergrad summer plans

<p>Since some of the undergrads have posted their plans under the graduates thread, thought I’d start this thread for kids to share what they’re doing this summer.</p>

<p>Momreads and robotbldmom, please feel free to repeat under here.</p>

<p>I know some have mentioned the Oxford program in other posts.</p>

<p>Anyone doing an internship, research, study abroad, and/or taking courses this summer?</p>

<p>Sure I’ll be glad to repost. Son is volunteering at a hospital and also working his regular summer gig to earn money.</p>

<p>Again, I’m glad to repost. My son will start his summer finishing his semester with a 10-day community service trip with Alabama Action Costa Rica. This is his second time there, and he’s quite excited. He plans to do his study abroad in July, taking two political science classes in Belgium. He’ll also do some freelance writing for the local newspaper. He has one or two other irons in the fire, but he needs to wait until mid-March/early April to learn if he will be doing those things, too.</p>

<p>I’ll probably be taking a paid internship at a medical technology/information systems firm. If I have any free time, I’ll probably take a class, maybe two, at the local community college.
It won’t be the most relaxing summer, sure, but I should have some fun along the way.</p>

<p>I’ve been applying like mad to find a paid internship, preferably at a company in the aerospace engineering field or at a national lab or university doing research. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything positive back yet, only rejections. Still, so far I’ve submitted 18 apps. But my list of places to apply still has about 70 companies/labs I’ve yet to submit my resume to. So I’m trying to do 2 a day while crossing my fingers that someone will give me a shot. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll try to find an opportunity to do research over the summer here at UA. If that falls through…I’m toast.</p>

<p>Mesquite: Wow you are busy, sounds like you are covering all your bases with that many applications! I am sure that something will pan out for you. Let us know and Good Luck. :)</p>

<p>Son will return home to Hawaii, work his regular summer job as a certified sailing instructor, and compete in the local sail-racing circuit of events.</p>

<p>D will be doing the Alabama action in costa rica and also her summer job as a life guard.</p>

<p>What is the cost of Alabama Action in Costa Rica if you don’t mind me asking and how long is it?</p>

<p>At this point, son will be returning to Chicago and his job at Costco, unless this Japan move materializes in which case who knows??!!</p>

<p>ldinct: Alabama Action Costa Rica is a University Honors class in the spring. It is worth 1 to 6 credits, depending on the needs of the student. My son, for example, is taking it for three credits. It is in seminar format, where guest speakers come in and lecture to the students. In the past, Dr. Bunker, a history professor who specializes in Latin America, and some Spanish-language professors who hail from Costa Rica are among those who have lectured. The class ends with a 10-day trip to Costa Rica in May. Last year, the Alabama students rebuilt soccer fields and basketball courts and taught English to school children. It will run about $1700 this year. (Alabama students should know some Spanish before enrolling in the class.)</p>

Sounds like a great class. S has applied to ihp and I assume this type of class could be used towards the ihp requirement? Did your S do AA prior to freshman year as well?

<p>I would have to check with my son how or if an IHP requirement is satisfied. Before his freshman fall semester, he did Alabama Action, working in one of the schools in the T-Town area. The Costa Rica version was a late addition to last spring’s University Honors classes. He brought it to our attention during his Christmas break. It’s a really cool opportunity to meet some great kids, hear some excellent professors lecture and live in a hut for better than a week. Or at least the photos made his housing look like a hut.</p>


<p>Check out Ohio Aerospace Institute at NASA Glenn.
There is a internships under the GRC LERCIP program that may interest you.</p>

<p>We know a few Ohio kids who have participated in their other programs and loved the experience! DH is at NASA Glenn and speaks highly of OAI!</p>

<p>Thanks omama, I will definitely check that out. I would absolutely love to work for NASA this summer, they are #1 on my list. Right now I’m mostly worried about getting enough rec letters and the short notice for some profs.</p>

<p>Son will be taking classes at a local university to fulfill a prereq he couldn’t fit in this year. It will unfortunately be a lecture and a lab, two semesters, so his days will be full. Nights will no doubt be spent on copious amounts of homework.</p>

<p>I’m hoping I can drag him on a trip in the brief time he’ll have off before class starts, but I think he’ll just want to chill with the Xbox in the few days before summer session starts. </p>

<p>We were prepared for it, though, as he still wants to double major, which is why we gave him last summer off. Had plenty of time to vegetate then. </p>

<p>Next summer, hoping to do his summer abroad, so hope we can get some ideas from this thread, and start budgeting for it as well. Looking at either England or Ireland as possibilities. He only speaks English, Ancient Greek, and Latin.</p>

<p>Thanks for the posts, and keep them coming!</p>

<p>My son - a freshman this year- will be working freelance as a production assistant on various TV commercial shoots, as he did over the holiday break. He is a film and TV major, so it gives him real life workplace experience in his chosen ( at this point anyway!) field.</p>


<p>Awesome opportunities for your son!!! Will he be doing this in your home state?</p>

<p>*He only speaks English, Ancient Greek, and Latin.</p>



<p>What will his second major be? Bio?</p>

<p>After reading this post, I let Krazie know that we would be willing to pay for most of the AA Costa Rica trip (since we didn’t have to pay for any tuition). So this past Wed, she talked to the professor of the class and is now taking the seminar – and is going to Costa Rica in May.</p>

<p>Now we gotta figure out how to move all her clothes out of the dorm before she goes and how to get all the rest of her stuff in a local storage facility. Any suggestions? Or tips? </p>

<p>She’ll either stay in Alabama and fly to Costa Rica from there, or come home for a day or so and fly to Costa rica from Southern Cali. Bggest problem I foresee, is what to do with her stuff.</p>

<p>Other summer plans for Krazie include an unpaid internship with the court system working with kids , and working for pay 20 hours/week for me. . . Oh, and she’d also like to be an AA leader in August.</p>