Unified auditions Qs, specifically dance portion

<p>My son is auditioning for UArts at Chicago Unifieds. In the 15 minutes he is allotted, there is a 2-minute (or under) solo dance routine required (in addition to the songs and monologues, of course). </p>

<p>I have a few Qs about this dance routine:</p>

<li><p>What have boys done in the past about their clothing for the interview/dance portion? At all of his other auditions he’ll have some time to change, but not this one. What should he wear?? (I don’t see him dancing in his khakis and button-down shirt.)</p></li>
<li><p>Is this dance portion just for placement, or is it a major factor in the admissions decision? (I’m embarrassed to say, but I didn’t see this part of the audition requirement until today and will have to get him to put something together quickly… as the audition is only a few weeks away. Ugh…SO mad at myself!!)</p></li>

<p>Any help is appreciated!</p>

<p>This is an excellent question - and I’m wondering the answer too! She’ll just review and perform the solo she used for her prescreen, I’m sure - but the question about how to dress seems pertinent! I guess I missed this in my prior read-throughs of their site as well.</p>

<p>Yes, this is an excellent question. My D will have a pair of spandex shorts under her dress so that she can move freely I suppose. I’m worried about the shoes!</p>

<p>Last year, my son totally missed the fact that there would be a short dance solo during the audition at Unifieds. When asked to perform his dance, completely caught off guard by the request (and with dance being his weakest element), he just winged it, doing some movement from a recent show. After the audition, he ran up to the room and opened his audition binder to read the requirements to see how he missed it. He thought he had blown it, but within less than 2 weeks, he received his acceptance. </p>

<p>All of the people going into the U of Arts Unified auditions seemed to do their dance auditions in the same clothes as their vocals and monologues. For my son, this was khakis and a blue long sleeve shirt. </p>

<p>Also related to Unifieds in Chicago, we can’t seem to find what floor/room they are in at the Palmer. Anyone have his info.?</p>