<p>Anyone has information about US student apply for universities in Hong Kong ?</p>
<p>Thank you !</p>
<p>Anyone has information about US student apply for universities in Hong Kong ?</p>
<p>Thank you !</p>
<p>Emmm…I got a friend who applied to the U of HK and he didnt get in. However, He has 2200+ SAT and has great SAT II scores. So I assume if you are applying to U of HK, you will have to have GREAT SAT SCORES. I do not know if you have to go to HK for interview though, but that is another important part of your college app.</p>
<p>Take a look at their websites! (if you haven’t already)</p>
<p>Here’s some information for foreign students studying in Hong Kong from the HK Government:
[GovHK:</a> Studying in Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.gov.hk/en/nonresidents/studyinghk/index.htm]GovHK:”>GovHK: Studying in Hong Kong)</p>
<p>This one’s from the Hong Kong Education Bureau, which has a list of all tertiary institutions in Hong Kong:
[EDB</a> - Institutions](<a href=“http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=7001&langno=1]EDB”>http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=7001&langno=1)</p>
<p>And here are links to some of the best-ranked universities in Hong Kong:
University of Hong Kong (HKU)
[The</a> University of Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.hku.hk/]The”>http://www.hku.hk/)
Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
[The</a> Chinese University of Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.cuhk.hk/]The”>http://www.cuhk.hk/)
University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
[HKUST</a> Web Server](<a href=“http://www.ust.hk/]HKUST”>http://www.ust.hk/)</p>
<p>mintjulepfifi - Thanks.</p>
<p>Bellion -
Thank you so much for the helpful information.
Do you know how important is EC for HK universities?</p>
<p>I think test scores are extremely important. If you are a non native English speaker, score very very very high on your TOEFLs.</p>
<p>I read that people that get into HKU gets straight A’s on this British version of SAT IIs. Very hard indeed. </p>
<p>Good luck! HK universities are very very tough to into .</p>
I doubt if your English score is that important. The average IELTS scores of the HKU graduates is around 6.8 which is less than 100 on the TOEFL iBT.</p>
<p>Timing, on the other hand, is very important. I believe the non-JUPAS deadline this year is Janurary 31. When did your friend apply?</p>
<p>[Non-JUPAS</a> FAQ](<a href=“http://www.hku.hk/admission/nonjupas-faq.htm#Q13]Non-JUPAS”>http://www.hku.hk/admission/nonjupas-faq.htm#Q13)</p>
<p>I’m curious, do the universities in HK look at student’s activities such as club, sports, community service and leadership? How important?</p>
<p>I don’t know what the situation is now. In the past, admission difficulty is largely based on what major you choose, not just which school. One of the most competitive one is acturial science at HKU.
[The</a> University of Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.hku.hk/science/6729/]The”>http://www.hku.hk/science/6729/) Most entering act sci students have straight A in sciences and math (A1 through A3; UE = Use of English; CLC = Chinese Language & Culture). Just how hard it is to get one A, let alone all 3 subjects? [Hong</a> Kong Advanced Level Examination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HKALE]Hong”>Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination - Wikipedia) shows the percentage of candidates that got A in Physics (AS level):</p>
<p>1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
A % 1.8 0.2 0.5 0.4 1.8 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.9</p>
I don’t know how they evaluate internationals; for locals, grades in public exams (e.g. HKAL) are the only ones that matter; even grades in your own school don’t count.</p>
<p>i don’t think u need to get above 2200 SAT in order to get accepted… I know ppl with lower SAT scores that got accepted.</p>
<p>2200+ SAT and didnt get in??? ahhh, i applied and my score is 1900…I really want to get in too…SDG1, are your friends native english speakers?? I am from the USA and hope i have a shot! actually, im being called for an “interview” type thing tomorrow…if i get into HKU, i would be ecstatic!! but im so worried i will be rejected, esp if a 2200+ SAT got rejected…</p>
<p>michelleger, how do they give you an interview when you’re in US?
By the way, the ppl that i referred to are not really my friends. They are past students from my school. Last year, he applied and got accepted. 1900 should be alright, but it depends on what program did you apply to though… </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>sdg1, they contacted me via email and said that they would like to call me for a telephone conversation. it was only a few days notice of course, one of the teachers i think it was, just asked me a few questions. i hope i get accepted! i asked if he thought i had a shot and he said yes, so im crossing my fingers. I applied for Bachelor of Science degree. tho i wanted to apply for traditional chinese medicine b/c i think its so intriguing, but my cantonese is BAD(i dont know any!) and i was afraid id def be rejected if i put that 1st choice…so i picked Bsc, hope it works out!</p>
<p>arling i dont know how much weight they put on those things but i think it might be slightly significant. just a guess though. on my app, i attached an entire page summarizing extracurric/volunteer stuff i did thru out high school. i described things like what the activity involved and how many hours it took out of my week briefly. i applied NON-jupas</p>
<p>michelleger, I didn’t get an interview, but I am quite confident that I will get accepted (I hope lol). I applied to a dual degree program, which is harder though. Are you Chinese by chance? Because I don’t quite see the point of an telephone interview. What kind of questions did they ask you?</p>
<p>And Bsc is definitely easier than Medicine, so I think you will be fine.</p>
<p>hi SDG1, yea im half chinese =P what degree program did you apply for? </p>
<p>i think the telephone interview was just to hear me so they could get a sense of whether i was a serious student or not, it was very brief. 5 min. They asked simple things just to see how i would answer probably, like give me an intro of yourself. they also referenced my essay. I said i was interested in studying these 2 specific things so he asked me what they were and why i was interested. that was probably to confirm that i had indeed written my essay and again just to get an idea of what kind of person i am. </p>
<p>yeah Bsc is easier probably, tho i hear getting into actuarial science is hard. but i wish i could minor in TCM or something…</p>
<p>and sdg1, have you checked your email recently? maybe someone will contact you for an interview. but maybe it was just for the science department and some others, i dont know…</p>
<p>I applied to bba (law). Did you apply very early by the way? I didn’t apply very early b/c I thought it is not on a rolling basis. </p>
<p>I am kind of surprise that you are not totally chinese lol. For me, I applied to HKU b/c I lived in HK for a long time. Do you have specific reasons to apply to HKU?</p>
<p>Oh and yea I have checked my email</p>
<p>no i didnt apply too early, but not late either. I think i sent it in dec.12 and they probably received all my stuff in early january. </p>
<p>hahaha, yeah im not 100% chinese. im from the US, my mom immigrated here and married a white guy so my bro and i are lucky to be mixed. best of both worlds, right? =P her class was one of the most competitive in her high school since over a decade, its funny b/c they were year of the tiger too =P but that has nothing to do with anything, lol. well ive never lived in HK, but i really want to. it just looks amazing and everything just appeals to me. If i go i have the chance to master mandarin and cantonese which is a really good attribute when youre fluent in english, so if everything fails, i can still get a good job just with that =P but hopefully everything doesnt fail, hah…and i also want to go to HK because im bored here and want a new life, i feel like if i stay here im trapping myself here forever. and thats totally irrational but its how i feel.</p>
<p>so youre not in HK now then? is HK as awesome as it seems?</p>
<p>yea HK is definitely more vibrant and exciting. I am currently in US right now. By the way, I sent my stuffs in mid January. I would say it will be hard to pick up mandarin in HK, but cantonese yea definitely b/c everyone speaks it. I think its good (for admission) that you’re not 100% chinese b/c HKU loves diversity. </p>
<p>When you say get a good job, do you mean get one in HK or US? B/c in HK u will definitely get a good job with a degree in HKU, but not so sure about that in US.</p>