University of Alabama Fall '24 Admissions

The contact us (far right) seems to have a lot of resources and I bet they can set you up with someone to talk to. Good luck.

McCollough Scholars – Pre-Medical Studies at the University of Alabama (

That’s a good point. Housing priority is not an issue if your student will join an LLC that has housing.

Does anyone have insight on how Alabama releases decisions? It is a batch or two every week? Or just on random days as decisions are made? Regionally? I quickly looked at last year’s thread and can’t discern any particular pattern, but thought some of the Alabama experts here might have insight. Thank you!

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My kid (OOS) applied in July last year and the big acceptance envelope and email didn’t show up until mid-September. fwiw.

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What does this mean?

Thank you!! In looking through last year’s thread, it appears that the first batch of acceptances went out in mid-September. And then after that it just seems to filter in but not clear if there’s a pattern to it.

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Compared with Pitt, which was literally like reading tea leaves, with an inscrutable portal and completely random dumps of acceptances and rejections, Bama was a breath of fresh air. I wouldn’t stress it!

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Thank u for this !!! Crossing fingers it’s soon as housing opens Monday

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Also my D24 took an UAEC class, and in her portal under housing it says her status is a freshman. Not sure if that’s a sign or not but hoping !!


Typo - more non-greek than greek.

I’m saying - yes, the presence is large but far less than 50% of students are greek.

My daughter is in McCollough and would be happy to talk to you. PM me :slight_smile:


Anyone apply to Alabama through school website as an international student? Any impact on timelines? Thanks!

He applied around the last week of September, but there was a delay in getting his application considered “complete” on Bama’s end that was no one’s fault (too long to explain). Once it was complete, his decision came back quickly. I’d say within a few weeks.

Notifications are indeed rolling out! Someone I know applied in early September as an OOS student and received an acceptance this week to the College of Engineering.

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My daughter applied on Sunday and was accepted today. She sent test scores a week before applying, which I’m sure must have helped.

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Congrats! Assuming high test scores and GPA? My daughter is still pending.

Yes. She’s not NMSF, but hits the highest scholarship amount. It’s not high on her list, but she’s willing to keep it at this point. Her brother is there, which is a positive. And they are so generous with credits. And the honors dorms are good. We will see!

Hopefully your daughter moves from pending soon.


Thank you and good luck to you and your kids !! Wish all the best.

Was hoping to hear something today since the housing application opens on Monday. Still under review. Anyone else ?

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Still under review over here too!