University of Alabama Fall '24 Admissions

He had that message in the portal, but it’s no longer there. Everything stayed the same, except the housing deadline note is now on top.

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There’s nothing under the required materials section. Did yours go straight from pending review to having a Congratulations message


Ours went straight from the pending review to the Congrats message. Yes.

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I never checked the portal but we got the congratulations email 2 days after we sent SAT scores, so it was fast.

My sons still says pending review, and there is now a housing opens 10/3 banner at the top.

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Same here. Says pending review but at tops says the housing portal open Oct 3rd. Not Oct 2nd.

Still no acceptance.

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So strange cause we are still pending review but with a housing note that it opens Oct 3rd.

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FWIW, housing-nerves parents: If your kid is considering the Blount Scholars program, they have their own dorm (though they don’t have to opt into it, I believe). My kid didn’t even commit until end of April and was fine with housing because he was accepted into Blount.

That’s not the case for the other honors colleges, certainly not the case for the gen. pop., where housing is literally like trying to score Taylor Swift tickets when the selection process opens up. The Bama FB parents page was hugely helpful for that, though all I was doing was watching in fascination at that point :slight_smile: .

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Housing status changed to Oct 2 today.

Yes! My son just told me about that. Fingers crossed we hear something this week!


Same wishing u luck!!!

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So D24 got her scholarship letter today (accepted on the 14th). So it’s still about 10 days after acceptance.


Should I just go ahead and submit my application (I’m nmsf) or wait on my letters of rec? They’re optional for Alabama, and I’d like to just have the acceptance. Could they get me extra scholarship money on top of the nmsf package? I’m impatient I guess.

Your rec letters won’t get you anything above the NMSF scholarship. And you are pretty much guaranteed admission as a NMF. If you apply to additional departmental scholarships or honors programs that want a rec letter, they will request it separately.


So you are applying ? I assume you enjoyed your visit ? Tell us your thoughts after visiting Tulsa and Bama ?


Submit your app. No need to wait for LoRs.

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I liked the vibe of Tulsa a lot more. At bama it looked like there was a uniform for the girls and the tour guide talked about the football players like they were gods on earth lol. I also liked the town of Tulsa better. Tuscaloosa didn’t seem to have much there. But, alabama has an on campus observatory and Tulsa does not. Tulsa also doesn’t have a designated Astronomy/astrophysics major, track, or minor. They didnt seem to have many astronomy classes either. Alabama has an astrophysics concentration within their physics major. Also, Alabama’s pre-med honors program seems really cool. And apparently they’ve run out of room in do so they’ve started putting the National merit kids in apartments…and still paying for it! So that’s cool. If Tulsa pays me a lot of money to go I’d pick it over alabama, but I get the feeling that I’d have more opportunities at alabama. I’ll find my people. I’m just worried about the social life since I plan to not rush, but it’ll be okay

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I appreciate the comparison!

My son is a NMF at Alabama. He’s enjoying it and has found plenty of people to hang out with. He’s in engineering and has been successful.

My daughter is commended, but not NMSF. But she is interested in Tulsa and we are visiting in a few weeks. She wants more of a city feel with some city amenities, and Tulsa seems like a good fit for that. It sounds like you’d agree.

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Greek life is big but not dominant - i.e. there are more Greek than Greek. Many will say it’s dominant - but when I say not dominant - I mean, most aren’t. My son never had an issue.

Tulsa, as a city, is obviously different than Tuscaloosa.

Yes, you can find your place anywhere - but having your major is important (as is meeting your budget…I guess Tulsa more generous financially). The Mccullough Medical Scholars seems neat - were you able to talk to any student ambassadors that might be a part? Or maybe they can arrange for you.

Well - given you have budget, both could work.

I haven’t been on the Tulsa campus - but I assure you they don’t wear uniforms at Bama. They may have a style but not a uniform. They do have a lot of BMWs and Mercedes - for a public school. I suspect there’s a lot of wealth there…but also non-wealth.

Let us know how your future travels go.

Yeah, the uniform thing was a joke. Alabama is in the budget, but I do have a (small) college fund so if Tulsa is paying me to go there, I don’t just not use the college fund, I add to it; that would be nice if I decide to go to medical school. We’ll see. I don’t want to get too off-topic from this thread. I wasn’t able to talk to anyone in McCullough unfortunately.

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