University of Arizona Revoke

Okay, so I applied to U of A and on my transcript there was 1 F from Physics my senior year. They accepted me but I’m about to fail Pre-Calculus too. Will I get revoked for sure?

Call them and ask. See if anything can be done before that happens. They may just put you on academic probation

F’s are not good. Call the school and ask. See if you can remediate it (maybe with summer courses).

You may lower their freshman retention rate.

I revocation may be a blessing in disguise. Rather for you to miss a semester or two while you fix whatever has gotten you to the place you’re currently – immaturity? Lack of focus? Lack of motivation? Depression? Outside health factors?

Better to not waste a semester’s worth of fees and loans and tank your college GPA – maybe regroup and set your sights on starting college when you’re ready for college. Like Tom said, right now, you’re on the path to be one of those one-semester wonders and back home at mom’s in December after being kicked out.

I don’t think failing a science matters, but most colleges want 4 years of math, so failing pre-calc could be an issue. UA does require 4 years of math: Our college counselor told us the only time anyone got admission revoked from a college was when someone flunked English, which is required 4 years, so your situation is similar. But I phoned UA, wondering about revokation (and if my son could just chill in second semester, senior year) and they said, once accepted, they don’t revoke. But again, flunking could be a different issue because you won’t have 4 years of high school math anymore.

Try finding a tutor on! Do anything to just get a passing grade!

Otherwise, attend community college for one year, then transfer. If you are already having problems passing in high school (unless your school is super rigorous) you might want to attend a CC, which will be an easier workload than university, and you could get core classes out of the way.

If you are accepted, U of AZ math department is known to be rigorous. But you can take classes at the nearby community college, which are easier.