University of Colorado Boulder EA for Fall 2023

My OOS daughter with high stats in the same boat. Unlikely to attend if no merit is offered.


Sophomore son at Purdue majoring in Electrical Engineering. Iā€™m blown away by the stuff heā€™s learning. Campus is awesome as is the school spirit at games, especially football and basketball. Tuition has been frozen for over a decade, and coupled with a scholarship would be an amazing deal. Weather isnā€™t the greatest, especially for a so cal kid. I donā€™t know much about Aerospace but do know Rolls Royce sponsors their Aerospace building and does research and development there. Thereā€™s also an airport on campus, lol.

Son accepted into Exploratory Studies instead of Leeds Marketing, no money.
1260 SAT
3.73 unweighted GPA
few AP and honors
varsity athlete, captain
probably should have gone TO to at least get pre-business.
heā€™s likely heading to the southeast instead.

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Thanks - but no bullet point or hyperlink.

in with no merit or scholarship to College of Arts/ Sciences - 4.5 weighted GPA, numerous APs with 4s and 5s on Exams, and 1450 on SAT. That makes that decision easy.


someone posted above that not all merit will be finalized until 2/1. I have yet to see anyone post a Presidential Scholarship either. And many high stat kids so far see nothing. So I personally am holding out hope. I agree though, no merit == not attending. (Assuming she has other options, this is her first school to hear back from).


Anyone know of anyone who get deferred or rejected?

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My daughter is on the app Zeemee and yes, there were kids posting on there today who were rejected.

I saw a deferral in the 2027 official thread just now.

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Son accepted into Exploratory Studies instead of Mechanical Engineering
Chancellorā€™s Achievement scholarship (25k or 6,250/yr)
OOS (Ca), 3.9 UW, 36 ACT (superscore), 12 APs, NMSF

Good luck everyone!

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Sadly DS denied.

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D23 accepted Sociology 4.0/4.3 1480 SAT, invited to Honors College and 25k scholarship

S23 accepted into Exploratory Studies, OOS, 4.2 weighted, 29 ACT, 25K scholarship

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Doesnā€™t make sense your son didnā€™t get 1st choice engineering with such high stats AND got a scholarship. Why not accept him in engineering?!?

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Has anyone received or seen anyone that has been awarded the Presidential scholarship?

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Yes, daughter received Presidential Scholarship. One of her friends received it too. Also called ā€œTop Scholar Notificationā€ with acceptance and referred to by a few others on this list.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that.:frowning:

D23 accepted to aerospace engineering.
12 AP/honors all 5ā€™s on AP exams
1540 SAT
Varsity soccer captain
Lots of ECs
Out of state (CA)
Chancellorā€™s scholarship

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What is TO?

I have student admitted into exploratory. Do they live in a specific dorm, or just with everyone else?

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