University of Delaware - Distinguished Scholar

Has anyone else heard anything? Nothing here.

@Likesominfo the financial portal is updated! Check it out!

Thanks @voodootofu ! We just checked and DS got 32,000 a year! Heā€™s very interested and looking to talk to some current honors and disco students to get more info. Any one else hear?

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I got the Telkes Scholarship, financial information didnā€™t come through yet though! Discho hooray!

I received the Telkes as well!! $32,000 a year!

My son was awarded the DuPont. He is a World Scholar too with Madrid as his choice. He wants to double major: Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. We are so happy!

subarnabasu Congratulations! Has your son made a final decision to go? My son is really struggling w/ the idea of choosing a college when he never visited several on his list.

He has not yet decided. He has some great offers but none of them are full rides. We will make a final decision after the 26th. We have visited every single college on his list and some three times ?

thank you?

@ruediww It was not clear from your post if your son is struggling because he never visited UD or he has not visited the other schools he was accepted.

Obviously these crazy times makes it so stressful on all of our kids. That said If he has never visited UD I would tell you that it is an beautiful campus and If it was close enough to just drive there and walk around with social distancing I would highly recommend it. And I think he will be very impressed by what a beautiful campus it is.

Also UD is a national university with tons to offer to even the highest level students with the honors college and Disco so that even the top end students can be challenged and find their tribe.

The UD campus is indeed fabulous and it is a very happy University. We visited 3 times and always loved it.

Hey, can you share what kind of questions they ask in the interview?
Just got an invite today. TIA

Hey, Cogratilations!
Just got an invite for an interview for the Distinguished Honors program. Would you share what kind of questions they ask? It will be a virtual interview because of this COVID pandemic and donā€™t know what to expect.

@burghdad and @subarnabasu thank you for your replies. We are struggling for several reasons. We havenā€™t visited 3 of his 5 top choices! We did go to Delaware last year but it was Spring Break so we didnā€™t see much beyond the cute town and pretty campus. We are trying to figure out how important name recognition is after graduation for graduate school and jobs. From our research, there are tons of wonderful opportunities at Delaware. We wonder if itā€™s seen as an academic, intellectual environment. It has a lot of PR as a party school. Lotā€™s to think aboutā€¦

Curious to hear who has decided to commit to Delaware. My son is still thinking. Has anyone decided to request a gap year?

My son is going to commit but hasnā€™t yet. I feel like its very late to create a gap year that will be meaningful, but the idea of remote learning in the fall is a bummer.

Hi there - my daughter just received this Distinguished Scholar invite - would love to hear from some people who ended up at Delaware and how they like it. Thanks!

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Hi, my daughter is a current freshman Discho who ended up at UD and loves it! She has been on campus both semesters but UD is still pretty much all online so she hasnā€™t had an in person class yet. With the exception of chem lab, all of her online classes were fine. She is involved in several clubs, one club sport and very active in the honors community. She has made great friends who are all extremely intelligent. UD wasnā€™t her first choice in the beginning but she didnā€™t get any merit from Pitt, didnā€™t want to go to our in state school (where she had a free ride) and she would have had some debt had she gone to a private school so she chose UD and we can pay for what her scholarship doesnā€™t cover. She is very happy with her choice! The honors community is amazing!


Just saw this post. My daughter got a great scholarship to UD honors, smaller amount to Pitt honors. I heard UD had a really nice weekend for honors students in the past but with no in person activities she isnā€™t connected to UD at all. Wish there was a way for her to connect to the school so she could learn more about it. She is leaning towards Pitt since we had a real tour there before the shutdown.

They have opened up for tours if you wanted to visit. Iā€™d also contact the honors dept before you visit and see if you can meet with a current honors student, etc.