University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

There are a lot of classes offered on-line within the business school, but I’ve learned that isn’t such a negative like I thought originally. The biggest problem I see at large schools like UF is students having access to the classes they want when they can be accommodated in their schedule. With on line classes, your student can stay on track for graduation without having the most in-demand classes he/she needs being full. This is a constant source of anxiety for students in other majors, which is why I am thankful my gator is in the Honors program.

Most of my gator’s general education classes are in person now, and would have been in person without Covid. UF has been really good at making as many classes available in person as possible though the pandemic.

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If I remember correctly, you won’t be choosing housing until well after May 1st. Then your selection date will depend solely on when you submitted your $25 housing deposit. The first to send their deposit in will have first choice of dorm selection - unless you are in the Honors Program where they will hold space for you in Hume Hall.

If you submitted late in the process, it might be helpful to find a roommate that submitted early since the earliest date will be the one housing uses for priority. There are a few nice dorms at UF and a lot of not so nice dorms. Do your homework on finding which ones best fit your needs/desires. If you haven’t sent your $25 housing deposit in yet, do it yesterday.

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Can you pay the deposit but not pick a form yet since my DD22 hasn’t visited campus yet? Super helpful to know. Thanks!

Edit - never mind she paid the housing deposit back in oct 2021 bc someone gave us a heads up about first come first served……

How do you submit the housing deposit?

But honors students don’t get smaller classes right? My daughter is probably going to pass on UF because she wasn’t admitted to honors. She was admitted to honors at every other school so far and the benefits at those schools are even more than what UF offers. All top 60 schools so no bad choices. Is there anything else specifically that honors offers that you think might be a dealbreaker?

We did too and haven’t seen anything in the acceptance. LMK if you find out. DS applied on the later end, so I’m not expecting it. DS did get grandparent at FSU.

Just as an added FYI, there are dorms freshmen will have little opportunity of being assigned to. Of the remainder, some have a reputation for being more social (Broward), catering to specific majors (East Hall, engineering), and for being run down mold factories (more than I can list). Don’t wait until you’re scheduled to choose your dorm to do your homework and make a priority list. On the day you choose your dorm room, the most desired will go quickly. Also look into the LLC’s - Learning Living Centers, as some of those might be attractive to your new gator.


Yes, there are classes made available to Honors students that offer smaller class size with the most popular professors. Living in Hume for my son was a great experience where activities are offered specifically for Honors students. Living in a newer dorm and having a room sharing a bathroom between two rooms, with only three other students, is soooo much better than sharing the one down the hall with 40, and that has no cleaning service on weekends. The AC in Hume is controlled by each room and can make it snow. There are no mold issues.

Other than that, the best benefit of Honors is priority registration for 10 credits each semester. That way, you get the classes you want, with the prof you want, at the time you want. In a large school, nothing can beat this perk. As it is everywhere, each program has a few professors everyone wants and more than a few everyone tries to avoid.

There is a lot more UF could do to enhance the Honors Program. With the new dorm and student center, I hope they will. But my student will be graduated by then. You are correct, many schools offer a lot more with their Honors program, especially with the number of credits you are allowed to pre-register. But then, they’re not UF. It’ all comes down to fit. It’s good to know your student has so many choices.

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S22 accepted

4.0 uw, 4.64 w will have 11 AP total, had 5 through jr yr.
1550 SAT one sitting (don’t know if that matters)
Rank top 2%
AP scholar w distinction
3 HS team sports, 4 years varsity, captain of at least 1
Summer job
Other smaller ecs and volunteering

Not in to honors per acceptance letter and did not hear about grandparent waiver.


how do I submit a deposit, as it didn’t beforehand yikes

But the smaller classes are not gen classes correct or no? At FSU they are. She only applied to top ranked schools and with the inherent bias of the rankings once you are talking about top 50 schools they really are all UFs. They are honors specific classes that students can choose to take.
UF underwhelmed us from the beginning so her being stuck as one of many is a dealbreaker. For example she is pre med and UPitt is probably much better school for that but we would have to pay a little. She’s a national merit finalist so she can attend UF full COA, that is really hard to pass up. Thank you for your response this is going to be a hard decision for us.

I’m sure she will do well anywhere but never heard of Pitt as much better than UF for premed.

Out of State
35 ACT
4.6 GPA
Varsity Athlete-Golf four years
Competitive dancer 12 years
President Student Body, plus on board 3 out of four years
Started Community Health Initiative
Good Letters
Honors +Honors Research …

Trying to figure out how to pay the $25 housing…the links don’t work. Any tips on that?

My son didn’t get into honors last year and we were floored. Daughter did get in this year. Their stats were close to identical, but I do think her honors essay was stronger. The main benefit of honors at UF is early registration for 9 credits and living in Hume. Also, I’ve heard the advisors are a little better. But I would not deem it a dealbreaker. Son is glad he chose UF anyway without honors. Hard to pass up with NMF.

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My daughter hated online classes during the pandemic. It’s good to know how many courses are online. I’m guessing many colleges will go this way in the future to save money.

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Here is a link to the classes specific to the UF Honors Program. There are extensive classes available, which is a great perk. If your daughter is not thrilled with UF, and doesn’t think it a good fit, then Honors isn’t going to change that. I would disagree that UPitt is a better school for pre-med given the incredible availability of classes and research opportunities at UF. UF is filled with students on the pre-med track so it is highly competitive and geared toward preparing students for med school and the MCAT that is so important in the process. I can’t imagine a higher ranked school doesn’t carry weight with med school admissions, but I have no experience with that. Your daughter can always join the Honors program by laterally moving in her sophomore year. I am told that it is actually easier to admit to the program in this manner than as a freshman. Something to consider anyway. Best to her.

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Lots of people unable to access housing site. It probably crashed. I would call them first thing Monday morning.

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It definitely makes me feel more confident that I have a clear picture.

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