University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

There isn’t a mandatory meal plan. You can see information about kitchens on the housing website:


@Melissa96 Are merit scholarships being emailed next week? Do you know the date yet? Thanks!

Scholarship info coming up next week.

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Thank you!!!

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Have you seen students get accepted after filing an appeal?

Does UF look at different stats based on demographics? I am hearing students were accepted with higher GPA/scores from one HS and lower from another. Why is that? Does the essay play a big part in the admissions process?

Yes, students get accepted after appealing. It is a very small number every year. Appealing is for students who have new and compelling information that we did not previously have.

How long does it take for the appeal committee to make a decision?

We look for students who are doing the most with what is available. Some schools do not have AP/IB/AICE/Dual Enrollment or they do but it is very limited so they couldn’t possibly have the same GPA. But also GPA is only a number. How many academic classes were taken vs what is available? The activities and essay are very important to the complete application review.

DS admitted. Didn’t get honors. I’m a bit confused about housing. We put in yesterday but didn’t pay. He got a confirmation email and reminder to pay $25.
We want to make sure he is not locking into anything before we know if he got a scholarship or grandparent waiver.
Is it just a refundable $25 to hold a spot on the list for dorms - not sure what he gets for that and it isn’t that bad, but will they want more soon?
They had sent an email in the fall to put a deposit, but we didn’t even know if he was in yet and did not. So at this point will he even be able to get a room on campus if he chooses to go there?
Which dorms are good and which should be avoided (if he gets a choice at all)?
Thanks. If I look lost - I am.

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Does anyone know how to change your email in the portal? I created my application account with my current school email, but I won’t have access to the email account after the end of the school year. Is there a way to change the account to a different email?

The $25 is non-refundable and it is a place holder for getting a room. The earlier you pay the better, which is why they ask you to pay as soon as they received the application. At this point he would still get a room, but maybe not at one of the better dorms.

From what I understand there are popular dorms that are a bit older, some newer or renovated options and then some older ones along with some that are further from the main part of campus.

agreed. and they definitely don’t advertise it. Its a huge problem for me

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From UF website:

“It generally takes two to four weeks for an appeal to be reviewed by the Undergraduate Appeals Committee, although the time frame can vary depending on the volume of appeals. The committee’s decision is final.”

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Not to be argumentative- a purely anecdotal observation from my daughter’s school is that many of the kids accepted were from non-honors/AP track with high GPA whereas others with seemingly better EC and more rigorous course loads were rejected. This seems to suggest GPA, regardless of how obtained, is given greatest weight


no from Florida, two more letters we submitted on her behalf, one was done unbeknownst by her AP Lit teacher.

I have spoken to a number of recruiters at some of the big national financial firms and they still recruit from the NE and midwest. As far as business is concerned Florida is known for accounting and the big 4 heavily recruit from UF. So if that is their major staying in-state is the best bet. Florida and Georgia although highly ranked schools are still considered regional. Hopefully, with the influx of people moving into Florida, this will change in the next few years

Sorry, you can not compare UMich to UF. I know a student that transferred from UF to Mich and after speaking to the student I was told the rigor, seriousness of the students, class size, expectations, and opportunities for internships don’t compare. They are in two different categories. That being said, UF is the best school in the state, I have another one at FSU and we are waiting to hear if he gets into UF as a transfer so for certain students it’s a great school.

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I have a current student at Umich. It is a tough environment there. Very rigorous, very high expectations, so I believe the student you spoke with. The recruitment there is crazy, too. East coast, west coast firms all recruit umich.

However, my youngest is more interested in UF. I’ve spoken with some former UF students and Floridians in general (we are OOS), and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. Sounds like UF is a great school. And I’ve been impressed with their admissions process!


Honestly, I think you all short so many other colleges, etc. There are kids who can get into Ivy at pretty much every state flagship in the country. People choose schools for whatever the reason. There are tons of kids at Michigan who would get into Florida and vice versa - but they’d also potentially get into UNC, UVA, UCB, UCLA, etc. Some may, some may not - and that statement is interchangeable with all these schools.

I once was waited on in Knoxville by a UTK student who turned down Northwestern. In Nashville, there was a girl who turned down Yale for Auburn. This happens every day but she was noteworthy because of her essay. I linked the article below.

There are kids at places from Nebraska to Ohio State to UNH to wherever - that are top shelf.

Companies may/may not recruit certain schools - although that’s changing as more go to open/online recruiting.

But the entire - is this school better or that school better really does such a disservice.

I realize some are harder to get into than others so likely have smarter kids on the averages.

But I’m sure you have brilliant kids everywhere at fantastic colleges where kids can excel if they put forth the effort.

Yale University loved her Papa John’s Pizza college application essay, but she chose Auburn University - The Washington Post