University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

Today around 4:15

Oos here. Didnt receive any emails

This is what my OOS daughter got at around 515pm. So maybe you can just check one.uf under financial aid.

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Yes, DD awarded Grandparent Waiver - shows up in One.UF when click to view 2022-2023 Financial Aid!

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Need to log in to One.UF

I don’t even see a 2022-2023 Aid package on One.UF yet. Does that mean things didn’t arrive yet, or am I chock out of luck?

Melissa stated above that waiver info doesn’t come out until Monday

We got two types of loans but no mention of scholarships :cry:

Aid Package
Total Offered $44,080.00
Total Accepted $22,278.00

Term Breakdown

Gift Aid Offered Accepted

Florida Grandparent Waiver $22,278.00 $22,278.00


I don’t even get a loan. I don’t even see any 2022-2023 thing yet. I want to cry:(

I think you have to have a fafsa on file to get considered for any need based aid, fwiw

We’re prob going to have to go elsewhere. Our evening will be tears and solace too

I feel ya. :sleepy: cost of attendance was like 100k and 44k in loans offered. UF was also my daughters far and away #1. She got aid at every school but this one, which is the only one that mattered to her. I believe things happen for a reason so I assume it wasnt meant to be for my daughter. I do wish you and your son/daughter the best as well! I know it isnt easy. Still go gators!! :orange_heart::blue_heart:

Congrats on Grandparent Waiver!

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Ty and good luck to everyone!

Schools make a big deal about loans as aid. I don’t look at a loan as aid(other than a little lower interest rate). It is debt not aid.


I am so sorry! This cycle has been brutal in every way. Does your package say $100K cost over the four years? I only see information for one year, plus a summer term.

Agree. Btw, did they tell you the merit aid was coming out today or did they just vaguely say its not all out yet and then released it within the hour lol

Sorry it was 61k for one year with summer OOS

61K A year??? What makes it 61K a year? The absolute max it could cost to attend including summer A+B on campus is 51K a year, and that’s straight from the UF website.