University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

How easy is it to register for classes you need in engineering in UF?

Yes, I would also love further clarification on the summer session. So, for OOS tuition, it is $44,000, then an additional $16,000 for the summer session, so essentially it averages out to be $48,000 per year total? Is the cost cheaper if the summer class is online since food and housing wouldnā€™t be a concern? Or, are OOS students expected to remain on campus to take one class per summer for three years? Iā€™ve read previous threads that some students have had summer internships that have waived the courseā€¦. Thanks in advance for any clarification!

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My son is a freshman in engineering and has been able to register for all the classes he wanted so far and theyā€™ve all been in person (except an art appreciation Gen Ed requirement that he chose to do online). There were some issues reported with some not being able to schedule labs because of a backlog from COVID times when they werenā€™t offered, but I think they added more sections to at least partially alleviate the issue. My son has had 8:30 classes when heā€™d have preferred the 9:30 but such is life. :wink:

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My current freshman son is taking 9 hours this summer to get it all done at once. Some take online classes from home, some use internship credit, some study abroad, and some come in with AAs and donā€™t have to take them.

Thanks for the info! Does the cost vary or is it the standard $16,000 no matter whether youā€™re taking classes from home, using internship credit etcā€¦?
Also, how is UF with accepting AP/dual enrollment courses? I know it varies from school to school, but some are known to be better than others. Iā€™ve read Clemson is great.

I donā€™t know exactly about the costs. We live out of state but my son is classified in-state as a military dependent of a resident and has his tuition paid by the Bright Futures scholarship. I believe for UF classes in person or online youā€™d pay whatever the per-credit cost is for the classes you take. The room/board would depend on where you live - my son has been dorming but is subleasing off campus for summer and moving to an apartment in the fall. I donā€™t know how internships work or the specifics of study abroad.

You can easily see the AP guidelines here: Exam Credit < University of Florida
My son transferred a few classes from an accredited university that offers classes on our military base without issue. You can use a website called Transferology to get an idea.

Thank you for the info! Appreciated.

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@davidkay, I mentioned this to my husband as he is big on UofF for our son (headed to business school) and he is a bit incredulous that core classes are online (regardless of covid). Our son is not a good remote learner and this would not be good for him. Do you have a link to documentation or information about this? I have been searching but the search terms are hitting items that arenā€™t exactly what I am looking for. Thanks in advance.

Here is UF schedule of courses where you can take a look at all the courses offered.

When is the date that orientation registration opens?

I only found about the online classes by reading the boards here. But when I looked it up on course register I found almost all the business core courses were in fact online. I find it a bit disingenuous that the University doesnā€™t publicize this information and you really cant find it on the Warrington website, especially since they have online programs that are supposedly separate. Find it surprising that the program is ranked / regarded highly when so many people really hate online learning.


When we visited we spoke with a junior in the business school. Said they break into smaller groups and there are TAs that are accessible. Additionally you can attend the large lecture hall business classes in person if it works with your schedule. Hope that helps

Thanks but we really prefer in- class education that is taught by Professors and not TAs. From what Iā€™ve heard it is very hit or miss whether the in person option works out in the business school core classes and most students still end up having to take most of core classes online. This might be OK if I were paying next to nothing in state - but just doesnā€™t seem to make sense for me to pay OOS tuition for a largely online/TA education. I have not heard of any other state schools that utilize so much online learning and while the UF might have a lot of recommend it - in- person learning is a non-negotiable here, this become especially clear during covid.


Maybe look up some of the core classes and then read the rate my professor on those profsā€¦see how people rate them.

Donā€™t forget Florida OOS tuition is cheap - relatively.

Itā€™s clear from previous posts/threads Florida isnā€™t for your son - but other schools did not have the ā€œreputationā€.

So in the end, heā€™ll have to make a decision.

I personally donā€™t think employers are running to UF for business students over other key SEC schools such as UGA and Bama. At this point, since itā€™s late - your options are limited to Bama, Arizona and probably a few more.

Or the cold weather of Ohio State - which is a wonderful school but is also huge - and not sure how they do their core classes.

Correct, he wonā€™t be attending UF - I was only here responding to a question someone asked me from awhile back. We will visit OSU soon and will also consider UGA and UWMadison (if admitted).

Oh - you did apply to UGA - thatā€™s great!! itā€™s one school that I donā€™t believe penalizes you for missing the early deadline. I suspect if he got into UF he will UGA as well but itā€™s not assured - itā€™s getting difficult to get in. Many schools, like UMD, if you donā€™t hit EA, you have no chance - but I donā€™t think UGA is like that.

Thereā€™s always Bama. Look at Manderson. Youā€™ll be surprised and the geographic diversity is far above any of these others (due to the crazy merit).

Itā€™s cheap. Itā€™s solid. Their kids get jobs.

You think itā€™s Bama but everyone is running there and you still can.

Sounds like you want East Coat but Arizona is same.

Both solid.

OSU is very highly rated - but now you know to ask the on-line question - no clue if they do or not but itā€™s a fine schoolā€¦but a tad cold and obviously huge.

Have fun.


We know students at OSU and it appears the gen Ed classes are online. Itā€™s whatever your kid sees as their best fit and how they might learn best. Good luck

What about engineering? Also mostly online?

Daughter is graduating osu in May & never had an online class until Covid. All gen ed were in person.


Anyone else here trying to get into the Admitted Student zoom meeting that was supposed to start at 7pm? No password was sent outā€¦bunch of families posting on FB - nobody can get in. :crazy_face: