University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

Based on my daughter’s experience she had no online classes other than what was required during the COVID period. She did say that her in-class discussions were recorded and available to the students without needing Professor permission. She went to most all her in-class sessions as she liked the structure and staying on pace. However, she appreciated being able to review the lessons via a recording while she was doing her homework.


I have a family member who is a freshman Engineering major at UF. Not a single online class.


Has anyone seen any admissions stats from 2026? I’m super curious.

The UF moderator posted this info awhile back. She may have more info now

Admitted Freshman Profile

Mid 50 GPA 4.4 - 4.6
Mid 50 SAT 1340 - 1490
Mid 50 ACT 29 - 33


Then I think UF is not for you. ALL major universities use TAs. Most have some online courses (although maybe other options too). Some classes at UCLA and UCB have hundreds of students in one course, and they have to use TAs as no professor can keep up.

My daughter is a grad student at a small flagship and courses of 120 are divided into 6 recitations with each TA teaching 2 sections. The Professor gives the final grade with input from the TA. Prof also teaches 2 lectures a week, and the TAs two of the groups on Fridays. They are all in contact several times during the week to make sure they are all on the same page (the professor’s page). They all have office hours, including the professor, so all students have access to discuss things or have questions answered.

But it is your choice. UF is pretty open about the format of the courses and who teaches them. If it isn’t for you, pick another school.

I have 2 college students at other large schools that have never been taught classes by TAs or online (aside from the the year post covid). And I disagree that UF is upfront about it. I only found out that they rely extensively on online classes on this site. I spent alot of time looking on the Warrington pages and found nothing about it. And, yes we have decided UF is not the right school for my son for this reason.


Any update on additional Grandparent Waivers being granted?? Tough to swallow 44k a year + summer @16k.


Another fun fact if you are an instate Floridian 4 years of tuition at UF pays for 1 semester OOS at Michigan With no merit at either school

Also if Instate this years 25th percentile at UF was posted 1340 SAT.
A 1330 SAT 3.5 GPA and 100 service Hours Gets you 100% Bright Futures Scholarship for Tuition.

So realistically the majority of In state students are going to UF tuition free VS over 200k in Tuition at Michigan


Lost me at chipotle.

Thanks to those of you on this thread who have provided information which helped my S22 make is decision to decline his acceptance. The online business school classes and the requirement to take 9 credits over the summer–things he was not aware of when he applied–dropped UF down his list. The lack of financial assistance (other than loans) didn’t help either.

Good luck to everyone here and I hope that someone who really wants to go to UF will now be accepted to do so!


How do we know for sure the Fall 22 classes are online or that summer courses are required? Is this only for the business school? Can anyone comment on the Honors college and University Research Scholars Program (URSP)?

Many (though, not all) underclass, core business classes have been on-line pre-Covid according to several posters on this board as well as some research that I did.

@Melissa96 reported “It’s part of the state statutes that 9 hours have to be done in the FL SUS in the summer (or 6 hours of study abroad in the summer) to graduate. It doesn’t have to be all in one summer but they package just in case the student will be taking summer classes.”

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They are not “online” as in old VHS recordings that are used for years and years. Each lecture is recorded live and students are able to attend and ask questions of the prof. A family member’s kid is about to graduate from the combined Master’s program and she explained to me that she goes to the lectures for the classes where she needs more help (accounting I’m looking at you) so she can speak to and connect with the prof. She watches the other ones at her leisure. She also pointed out that having the lectures recorded is a fantastic resource for studying. Also, all business students are required to take a 25 student in-person welcome class so they can connect with other students and advisors.
The 9 summer credit hours are a Florida State requirement, not UF. It is easily waived with an approved internship or can be done online, so I would not let this be a concern.


Thanks for your/her perspective.

When I looked at class schedules for Fall 2022, here’s what I found for someone seeking an accounting degree (got the course sequence directly from UF website).

ECO2023 - Online. There was no class day/time listed so I’m not sure when/where someone would attend in-person
MAC2233 - 2 sections online. One sectioned offered in person, but enrollment is “departmentally controlled”. Not sure what that means but I infer one needs special permission to get into this section.
ECO2013 - Online
MAC2234 - Online
ACG2021 - Online. This class says “For lecture recording time and location visit Video Lectures | Heavener Current Students | UF Warrington”–this seems to be the kind of class your family member was talking about.
CGS2531 - Online
ACG2071 - Online. Same message as ACG2021
STA2023 - Most sections listed as hybrid. A few that are primarily classroom. No idea how hard it would be to get into these sections.

So, of these 8 classes, 2-4 have in-person options and 4 seem to be strictly online.

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I guess they will try to see how much of this they can get away with until it impacts applications. This is a much better method for them from a purely financial perspective but a pretty crappy way to experience college for the students in my view.


No, not true. Here is a link to the spring lectures for the business classes which are listed as online. They are recorded live - go to the end of them and you will see students asking questions and interacting.

I certainly appreciate your concerns but I know firsthand having a daughter recently graduate from UF (Civil Engineering and never an online other than forced by Covid) that her friends in the Business school were very satisfied with their experience. My daughter did not have to take summer classes because she was exempted based on her internships.

Anyway, you said you were out, so no need to drag this on any further. UF is not for everybody but it’s very tough to beat if you are in-state. Our 4 year total COA was less than 40k including room and board.