University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

I’m a Gatormama b/c once a Gator, always a Gator. My kids can’t get into the school; it’s raised its standards since the Dark Ages when they let me in.


It is Hot in the Summer and Humid
However, it is no worse than New York City or Chicago in August and guess what the A/C is better in Florida

The main difference is it doesn’t cool off as much at night, but Gainesville better than Miami

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The humidity in NY metro is nothing like it is in Gainesville- this is far from reality

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I would argue that it is worse in Florida in August. We can probably agree, however, that it’s a matter of perception and personal limits after a certain high temperature/humidity percentage.

But the bigger point is that yes, August is nasty everywhere, but then September is gorgeous …
… except in Florida, where September is oftentimes worse.

correct- temperatures may be similar, however, the humidity in NYC is not as brutal as it is in FL

Besides the hot weather, why is UF a great fit?

Me, my wife and our oldest daughter are UF graduates. Wife and I grew up in Florida and now we live on the water on an island on the east coast and love it, but I will be the first to admit July, August and September is our reverse version of winter in the north, but hot and humid. Good news is when school was/is out we spent and continue (retired) to spend summers in Colorado, NC mountains or Cape Cod. If you are in Mass, then your daughter gets the best of both worlds. Florida winters and Mass summers (while school is out). Everyone else is correct, August, September thru mid-October will be hot and humid, but from mid-October to April 1st, it will be very pleasant and there will be many weekends she can run take a break at Crescent Beach, etc.

But more important is why UF?

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Anyone have statistics on the number of out of state students vs. in state. We are OOS and UF is now high on my daughter’s list. Also, anyone going for sport management? My daughter’s intended major is sport management/sport analytics. We are going to admitted student day next week but would like to get some information before then.

My daughter has been VERY tight lipped about which college she was leaning towards. She and my husband just returned from the last college visit (Auburn) and this morning she came out and said she thinks she has made a decision…. University of Florida!

I am so excited. Her top 3 ended up being Univ of AZ (amazing OOS merit scholarships and she loved the campus), Univ of Texas and UF. She says she wants to gather a little more information but I feel like she’s finally getting close!!!

I have no idea how she goes about choosing a roommate! Do most honors students live in the honors dorm? Is honors a lot harder? She’s a little worried about the campus being so huge and how to get around. And she’s also a little worried that Gainesville seems boring. But with a big, exciting campus like UF does it really matter?!

Thanks to anyone who has comments on any of these questions!


% of OOS from the latest CDS available.

Congrats on your daughter’s acceptance!!

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Do any of you guys have the “citizenship verification” form due on your one.uf portal. Because I just saw it and saw its due tomorrow. I dont know how im gonna get the form notarized by tomorrow so Im stressing

Out of state tuition is NOT $44K-- tuition, assuming two semesters of 15 credits each is $28,658.40 (source: even adding in dorm ($6K-ish for two semesters) and meal plan ($4K-ish), you’re looking at a total COA of under $40K (direct costs only).

AND, unlike most other states, FL charges by the credit hour-- so if students come in with AP/IB/AICE and/or take CLEP tests, they can come in with 45 credits, so they can graduate sooner and/or take a lighter course load-- which will lower the tuition costs (assuming 12 credits/semester to $23K-ish/year for OOS students).

The additional 9 credits: $8500 tuition-- BUT it can be waived entirely by an internship or study abroad, done online through another FL state university for a bit less.

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I believe for the class of 2025 (those who entered in Fall 2021), it was roughly 15% out of state-- and I suspect that we’ll see that number rise in coming years.

Hi! My daughter isn’t committed yet but is probably going to be a Business School Marketing major and get a dual major in Sports Management. We are OOS from NY


Is there a limit to OOS? My daughter may go to UF and we are OOS and I think it will rise too. Not every kid can get into these competitive state schools and if they don’t have a cap then there may be more OOS over time.

I don’t believe so. See #3

I believe it’s hard to pull a high achiever out of the state due to the wonderful programs all the kids get (Fl Pre Paid, Bright Futires) so naturally their domestic OOS will be lower. Then again the cost of OOS is competitive and their rank will bring lots of new applicants.

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There’s a limit for the ENTIRETY of the Florida public university system (capped at 10% for the SYSTEM, not per school)-- and the FL publics are nowhere near that cap, I believe that they’re at 4-ish%, but I’d have to double check to be certain.

That’s what I heard too that OOS is a capped number for all Florida public schools but that being said I think UF will be the next Michigan because I was on a tour at the business school at UF this past Friday and all the kids applied there and was waiting to hear and they all got into Kelley at Indiana. These are smart kids and why all try to get into UT and Michigan when you might have a better chance at UF and the kids are all smart because of the In State Bright Futures.

Honestly the ‘requirements’ to get into Kelley pale in comparison to its rank…there are likely kids in at Kelley and rejected at UF, UGA, etc.

That they got into UF is more impressive is what I’m saying. I wouldn’t use IU, fine b-school it is, as a barometer for others, even those lower in profile like a UF or UGA.

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Awesome! We are from TX. My daughter is looking at kinesiology-related majors. The climate/culture will probably be more of a change for your daughter than mine! Such an exciting time. I’m thrilled with her choice.

Hi, we are from NY also. My daughter is considering sport management at UF. Trying to find out more about the program. We are going to UF for the April 5 Admitted Student Day. Would love to connect if you have more information about it or know who to contact. The info on the website is limited. Thx!